


poikakalenteri huhtikuu

340Sunnuntai 26.09.2010 02:43

DAY 03 : A band / Artist that you're proud of.

DAY 04 : Your least favorite band / artist.

DAY 05 : A band / Artist you've recently heard of.
DAY 06 : A band / Artist you used to hate but now love.
DAY 07 : A band or a band member / Artist you wish you could meet.
DAY 08 : A band / Artist you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.
DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

339Perjantai 24.09.2010 16:15

aw :''''3 kattelen the crow videoittaaaaaaaaaa

(what there could be beyond the eyes of brandon lee?)

338Perjantai 24.09.2010 15:26

£7.16, 75g
£8.40, 400ml
£8.40, 300ml
£8.40, 100ml

..ja lisäksi tottakai

pink gdh IV :'3 jotain £180 (suomesta 200e)

YHTEENSÄ tähän kaikkeen uppois n. £212.36 (159.11e) olettaen siis että TIGIt tilais lookfantasticista, ja ghdn briteistä (+toimituskulut). mutta jos ostasin kaiken suomesta, niin hintaa tulis yhteensä 281.60e (+toimituskulut). AH sanon minä, pakko saada

337Perjantai 24.09.2010 13:47

en pahemmin meinaa itkeä taas kun kattelen tätä :(

336Torstai 23.09.2010 22:14

Kolme nimeä, joilla minua kutsutaan:
☺ arttu
☺ arttu
☺ arttu

Kolme paikkaa, jossa olen asunut:
☺ ruutana
☺ jämsä
☺ jyväskylä

Kolme telkkariohjelmaa, joita katson:
☺ the vampire diaries
☺ salQt
☺ -

Kolme asiaa, joiden tekemisestä nautin:
☺ futis
☺ keikat
☺ tnf

Kolme paikkaa, jossa olen käynyt:
☺ antaverkka :
☺ españa
☺ viro

Kolme väriä, joista pidän:
☺ punaiinen
☺ musta
☺ mustempi

Kolme nettisivua, joilla käyn usein:
☺ ii är see kalleria
☺ facebook
☺ utube

Kolme ystävääni, jotka laittavat tämän päiväkirjaansa:
☺ miina
☺ aino
☺ minä

Kolme asiaa, joita odotan:
☺ brighton
☺ tnf turkuun
☺ tnf seinäjoelle

335Torstai 23.09.2010 09:42

heittäsköhän tähän tälläsen jota kukaan ei voi arvata xD
DAY 02 : A band member / Artist you have a crush on.
DAY 03 : A band / Artist that you're proud of.
DAY 04 : Your least favorite band / artist.
DAY 05 : A band / Artist you've recently heard of.
DAY 06 : A band / Artist you used to hate but now love.
DAY 07 : A band or a band member / Artist you wish you could meet.
DAY 08 : A band / Artist you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.
DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

334Torstai 23.09.2010 02:08

the boy that you loved
is the monster you fear ...

;((( yy perkele saatana

333Tiistai 21.09.2010 23:13

DAY 01 : Your first favorite band.
DAY 02 : A band member / Artist you have a crush on.
DAY 03 : A band / Artist that you're proud of.
DAY 04 : Your least favorite band / artist.
DAY 05 : A band / Artist you've recently heard of.
DAY 06 : A band / Artist you used to hate but now love.
DAY 07 : A band or a band member / Artist you wish you could meet.
DAY 08 : A band / Artist you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.
DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.

332Tiistai 21.09.2010 18:47

mistä revin 50e swpbn lappeenrantaan ja huomhuom MUMMOlle

331Maanantai 20.09.2010 17:40



AAAAAAAA parhautta !<3