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  • Kuvassa:
  • areee-

    areee-For ma cutie<3

  • Lonita bonita mi amor~<3

~Baby i could do anythin' fo ya cuz i kno diz iz a feelin' dat i cant fight. U r the first n da last thing on ma mind !
Me myself, and i

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The first time ever i saw your face, i thought the sun rose in your eyes and the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave to the dark and the endless skies

And the first time ever i kissed your mouth
i felt the earth move in my hands, like the trembling heart of a captive bird

And the first time ever i lay with you
i felt your heart so close to mine and i knew our joy would fill the earth and last till the end of time, our love

now im asking god, why? why he had to take you away from me..