
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 12.09.2008 19:51

if i was a flower going wild and free, all i want is you to be my sweet honey bee
if i was a tree going tall and green, all i want is you to shave me and be my leaf

yo yo yigedi yoTiistai 09.09.2008 21:06

-and su chin was there, and she said "hi babies have fingernails", FINGERNAILS!

- shit for happy homes!

- i am the great king from the sea!

- yumm!

- so lency, you old man!


karaokeSunnuntai 24.08.2008 02:20

oonaa<3 x'DD
nurkkaan tuulilasin kyyneleet
pokkaa sul on ainakin

<ssww> hävettää teiän puolesta noeivaa D:
<rumaoona> ^stinaismoneky

tanssiSunnuntai 24.08.2008 02:06

kiitti tytöt taas :)<3

UHOHLauantai 16.08.2008 18:28

<3 naammmm :))))

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 04.08.2008 18:38

-you're the coolest person i've ever met, and you don't even have to try
-i try really hard actually ...

20.-24.7.'08 let's dance 2 <3Torstai 24.07.2008 18:59

hennavilmaeeppasinittaneanna<3 kiitti pelastitte leirin ku jotkut meinas pilata sen :)
tseketetsekete tsekkee tseketetsekete tsee .. ;> <3
rakel<3 :DDD hola
"tulkaa kohta kymppimökkiin" -henna
kymppi mökin yöt <3 AHHH. :D
uuuh you touch my talalaaa dididingdingding uuh my dingdingdong ;DD reps.
"nasu vaihtaa mulle vaippaa" x'DD
joo iha huippuu oli :)

4.-6.7 eeppaa- <3Sunnuntai 06.07.2008 22:51

er: oohhoo

blue crush<3


es: welcome everyone, this is studio old kiss. and today im here with a new hot artist mary blaine! hi mary how are you?
er: hi im fine, it's lovely to be here tonight.
es: yea i bet. the... sspp.. rd..
er: nii mikä oli ?!
es: ( :D )

aaaah aallot <12345678

er: zerozero..