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[Ei aihetta]Torstai 01.01.2009 23:04

"Since the minute you were born I knew I would never take
another easy breath without knowing that you were all right."
"So I'm like asthma?"

"So when you lost your virginity, I was playing Magic the Gathering."
"You still play Magic."
"Yeah, but not as much."

"How was the mall?"
"Ah, yes. You've really painted a picture for me, I feel like I was there."

UVTorstai 01.01.2009 22:46

no siis kyl mäki rakastan olla totally wasted?

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 28.12.2008 02:29

"Ugh. Get a room."
"Hey, count your blessings. Kids with affectionate parents
grow up to be better adjusted sexually as adults."
"I know. I meant get a room. My room. And do it in front of me."

"What does she see in that guy? He's so dirty and greasy."
"He's got good abs. Women like abs. I got a six-pack myself. I know."
"Aww, Cohen, those are your ribs."

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 24.12.2008 23:39

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 23.12.2008 16:42

"Remember when the boys made us watch that movie about the gay guys on the mountain?"
"Lord of the Rings?"

ada on sairaslomallaLauantai 20.12.2008 15:11

paidassa "palm beach"

moroTorstai 18.12.2008 23:38

vitun yhteiskuntaoppi
vitun espanja

vittusaatanaMaanantai 15.12.2008 21:22


aah..puuMaanantai 15.12.2008 00:05

anteeksi mitä

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 14.12.2008 23:32

heimoi! näytös meni hyvin hihi

yleensä se ei oo ongelma, mutta eilen mun jalat oli niin HELVETIN KIPEÄT että
vaan sellanen vahva burana autto niihin =( en oo ikinä kokenu sellasta särkyä