Tämä sivu käyttää evästeitä palveluiden toimittamisessa, mainosten personoinnissa ja liikenteen analysoinnissa. Käyttämällä sivustoa hyväksyt evästeiden käytön. Lisätietoja




havent been here in over 6 monthS!! MAYBE like 2 years actually :D

vihje kaksiMaanantai 16.02.2009 21:46

klo 14:00

vihje yksiMaanantai 16.02.2009 17:57


;)Maanantai 16.02.2009 17:56

koska en voi vielä puhuu mitä täl viikol tapahtuu

niin meikkä vaan vihjailee.

andMaanantai 16.02.2009 15:20

we also went through my new PR pics at my label

this pic didn't make the cut.


I knew this would not fly. Too violent and kinky.

I love them. I think it's not even violent. It's funny-

Album updates vol 5 (week 7) Maanantai 16.02.2009 14:07

Monday I went it to a meeting with people from Warner. I was a little nervous. Although I knew that my demos were solid, ya never know what the result is gonna be.
We listened to about ten raw demos. They loved the new stuff. Six songs were 'okayed' to be on the album. Which is great news. Three first single candidates. Now we just gotta hussle since we are trying to get the first single out in two months or so. Before the summer. We had some talks about when the album should come out but the dates were really vague but hopefully sooner than later.

Jukka and I also had a meeting. Went through the songs that were picked on the album and thought about what we still need. What sorta songs we could work on to really make the best damn Cristal Snow album ever :)
Jukka wanted these lyrics that I had written a few monts ago for a song called 'Knock You Out'. Later that night he already sent me a killer first version of the song. Really tough and dark and fun little diddy.

I was also were in the Studio with Jimi. He had been on vacation and buzy with his own stuff so we hadnt' seen eachother for a long time. We worked on two tracks: A song called 'Dust to Dust' and 'Distance to love'. 'Distance..' has already been okayed by the label and is a strong candidate to be a single but Jimi wanted to re work the whole thing..he had some great ideas to make the song much stronger, so we composed a new verses and a whole new chorus... It is much stronger now. I am sure the label will like it even better.

The nice surprise of the week was 'dust to dust'. We actually took the original verse from 'Distance to Love' and began a whole new song from that. Its really chilling and anthem-like. One of my favourites for sure

ensi viikol alkaa Lauantai 14.02.2009 13:12

jotain superiiiiii

mistä ei oo saanu puhua

ei sais vieläkään mut..


tai enhän mä puhu... vaan vihjaaan :D

alustavia päivämääriäMaanantai 09.02.2009 21:11


levy yhtiö diggas 6sta biisistä!!!

aika hyvin 10stä.

ne on valittu levylle - - -

yeah yeah yeah

ekaa sinkkuakin jo maistellaaan että se olis yksi noista kuudesta...


KYSELYJEN YÖ! :DSunnuntai 08.02.2009 03:31

Montako tyhjää (alkoholia sisältänyttä) pulloa huoneestasi löytyy?
- Ei yhtään.
Oletko koskaan suudellut mistelinoksan alla?
- Kyllä
Jos lähdet juhliin, teetkö itsellesi tumman silmämeikin? Eroaako juhlameikkisi arkimeikistä?
Miten kulutat aikaasi, jos makaat flunssan kourissa vuoteessasi?
- Nukun.
Korotatko ääntäsi jos haluat muiden kuuntelevan sinua?
- Todellakin
Voiko persoonallisen näköinen ihminen olla kaunis?
- Aina.
Esitätkö koskaan tyhmempää kuin oikeasti olet?
- Joskus!
Oletko sinkku?
- Kyllä.
Oletko koskaan meinannut hukkua?
- Kaksi kertaa.
Mikä on kauneinta mitä sinulle on sanottu?
- ’’Saako sua halata?’’
Mitä ajattelet, jos ystävälläsi on ollut kymmeniä yhdenyönjuttuja?
- Noh… saapahan ainakin liikuntaa.
Tunnusta joku asia, mitä et ole koskaan tehnyt?
- Kyninyt kanaa.
Ketä saduista tuttua prinsessaa muistutat eniten ja miksi?
- Tuhkimo.
Kuka yöpyi luonasi viimeksi tai kenen luona sinä yövyit?
- Apua…. Mä vihaan olla yökylässä, mutta meillä ramppaa vieraita koko ajan… Olin kotona Joulun - - - ja. . . kukas tääl on ollu . . . iik.. Eemeli. Mun siskon poikaystävä.
Muistutatko ulkonäöltäsi paljon sisaruksiasi (jos sinulla on sisaruksia)?
- Joo.
Millaisena ystäväsi näkevät sinut?
- Uhmakkaana, luotettavana, hauskana.
Onko sinulla tänään tiedossa rauhallinen koti-ilta vai lähdetkö jonnekin?
- C M F S
Nimeä viisi juomaa, joita juot eniten :
- Maito, sitruunamehu, appelsiinimehu, kahvi, light cola.
Tämänhetkinen huoli?
- Onko se hyvä vai ei?
Tämänhetkinen vihastus?
- Ihmiset ovat kiittämättömiä ja todella röyhkeitä.
Viimeinen asia jonka teet ennen nukkumaan menoa?
- Luen kirjaa.
Ryhtyisitkö merirosvoksi?
- Todellakin, olis prameet vaatteet
Viimeisin asia jolle nauroit?
- Jarkko Valteen taulutelevisio katastrofille.
Viimeisin laulu jonka kuulit?
- Santogold - Creator
Minkä kappaleen haluat soivan hautajaisissasi?
- Joku kiva mistä tulee hymy eikä itku.
Onko kädessäsi sormusta?
- Ei vielä.
Oletko mielestäsi harhaluuloinen?
- En-
Kenen/minkä vieressä nukuit viime yön?
- 7 tyynyn vieressä
Kuka soitti sinulle viimeksi?
- Viivi
Uskotko rakkauteen?
- Aina.
Uskotko aina kaiken mitä sinulle sanotaan?
- En.

20 (suomeksi)Sunnuntai 08.02.2009 02:34

Säännöt: Tämä on vaikeampaa kuin luulisi! Ja mitkään niistä säännöistä ei päde mitä jengi toitottaaaaa!

1. Mikä on nimesi?: Cristal Motherfucking Snow

2. Neljä kirjaiminen sana: Kala

3.Tytön nimi: Iida

4. Pojan nimi: Henrik

5.Ammatti: Artisti

6. Väri: mintunvihreä

7. Jotain, johon voit pukeutua: Kylpytakki

8. Ruoka: Lasagne

9. Jotain, joka löytyy kylpyhuoneestasi: Kaksi kylpyankkaa

10. Paikka: Sänky.

11. Syy myöhästyä: Kun on Cool: on vartin myöhässä.

12. Jotain, jota huudat: Saatana!

13. Elokuvan nimi: Tuulen Viemää

14. Jotain jota juot: Itse tehtyä sitruunamehua.

15. Musiikkiyhtye: The Bangles

16. Eläin: Norppa

17. Kadunnimi: Keskukatu

18. Auton merkki: Mustang

19. Laulun nimi: Winter

20.Aktiviteetti, joka vaatii enemmän kuin kaksi ihmistä: Muuttaminen

25 (englanniksi) :)Sunnuntai 08.02.2009 02:18

1. When I was a kid, I wanted to become a dancer or a police officer or own a kennel.

2. My father was sure that I was going to grow up to be a priest

3. I have to have at least 7 pillows in my bed and they have to be arranged in a very strict manner before I can fall a sleep.

4. My favourite thing to do is to clean my cupboards and throw shit away. I love the idea of having nothing..

5. I don’t keep in touch with my New York friends because I am jealous that they still live in NYC and I don’t. I keep telling myself that all they do is talk about how much they miss me and how boring New York has become since I don’t live there anymore.

6. I have lost my credit card more than any other person on this earth. At least a 100 times. Last year only like three times.

7. I am obsessed with the Finnish Jesus Channel, TV-7.

8. I had alot of figurines when I was a kid, mickey mouse and smurfs...I would talk to them and pretend they were real and that they lived with me and noone knew... like my parents would come back from shopping, I’d scream: ‘run, run little smurfs.. they are coming and’ i’d hide them in weird places... My mom would find smurfs hidden in coffee or in the freezer.

9. I have been performing since I was ten and I still throw up before almost every show.

10. I used to be an actor. I had a major burn out on my last semester of college: I starred in like three plays, directed a full show and wrote two plays... I felt like I was so mistreated that I swore of acting forever. Now I miss it like crazy.

11. I get 10 second crushes all the time. I shake hands with someone and I imagine the wedding, the babies, the house, the vacations and when they open their mouths I am already over it.

12. I can’t have any cookies or ice cream around the house... I’ll eat everything sweet and delicious in one serving. Once I ate a whole huge cheese cake in three hours.

13. Most thoughtful present I have ever gotten was ‘Great Shape Barbie’ was from my friend Richard. I used to have it as a kid and Richard sent it to me from the States in it’s originaly 1980’s packaging; I cherish it.

14. I once made my best friend steal a birds nest from my other friends yard, a I made him break all the eggs and then I told his parents and my parents and he was grounded. this is my number one reason I’ll end up in hell.

15. I won a Coca- Cola sponsored Vogue contest back in the 1990’s.

16. I have been single for 5 years.

17. Cindy Lauper has once told me that I had on nice pants.

18. When I saw The Phantom Menace, I went home and cried because they ruined Star Wars.

19. I’ve had a perm. and WHY?! Yeah, when I look at my 8th grade picture, I keep asking the same question

20. I pretend I hate dogs but actually I really want one.. and a cat.

21. I started writing my ‘Oscar Speech’ when I was eleven years old. It’s still not done.

22. I love to cook. I am sorta good at it too.

23. I still drink milk with my breakfast, lunch and dinner. But only when I am home. When I eat out, I dunno why, but I always drink a diet coke.

24. Last summer me and my friends set up a fortune card reading tent at Ruisrock Festival. I read fortunes for 3 euros. I came up with the ‘5 Card Fortune’ After telling fortunes for a few hours, of my friends is certain that I have psychic abilities because I was not wrong once.

25. I think I am gonna get married within three years.