1. When I was a kid, I wanted to become a dancer or a police officer or own a kennel.
2. My father was sure that I was going to grow up to be a priest
3. I have to have at least 7 pillows in my bed and they have to be arranged in a very strict manner before I can fall a sleep.
4. My favourite thing to do is to clean my cupboards and throw shit away. I love the idea of having nothing..
5. I dont keep in touch with my New York friends because I am jealous that they still live in NYC and I dont. I keep telling myself that all they do is talk about how much they miss me and how boring New York has become since I dont live there anymore.
6. I have lost my credit card more than any other person on this earth. At least a 100 times. Last year only like three times.
7. I am obsessed with the Finnish Jesus Channel, TV-7.
8. I had alot of figurines when I was a kid, mickey mouse and smurfs...I would talk to them and pretend they were real and that they lived with me and noone knew... like my parents would come back from shopping, Id scream: run, run little smurfs.. they are coming and id hide them in weird places... My mom would find smurfs hidden in coffee or in the freezer.
9. I have been performing since I was ten and I still throw up before almost every show.
10. I used to be an actor. I had a major burn out on my last semester of college: I starred in like three plays, directed a full show and wrote two plays... I felt like I was so mistreated that I swore of acting forever. Now I miss it like crazy.
11. I get 10 second crushes all the time. I shake hands with someone and I imagine the wedding, the babies, the house, the vacations and when they open their mouths I am already over it.
12. I cant have any cookies or ice cream around the house... Ill eat everything sweet and delicious in one serving. Once I ate a whole huge cheese cake in three hours.
13. Most thoughtful present I have ever gotten was Great Shape Barbie was from my friend Richard. I used to have it as a kid and Richard sent it to me from the States in its originaly 1980s packaging; I cherish it.
14. I once made my best friend steal a birds nest from my other friends yard, a I made him break all the eggs and then I told his parents and my parents and he was grounded. this is my number one reason Ill end up in hell.
15. I won a Coca- Cola sponsored Vogue contest back in the 1990s.
16. I have been single for 5 years.
17. Cindy Lauper has once told me that I had on nice pants.
18. When I saw The Phantom Menace, I went home and cried because they ruined Star Wars.
19. Ive had a perm. and WHY?! Yeah, when I look at my 8th grade picture, I keep asking the same question
20. I pretend I hate dogs but actually I really want one.. and a cat.
21. I started writing my Oscar Speech when I was eleven years old. Its still not done.
22. I love to cook. I am sorta good at it too.
23. I still drink milk with my breakfast, lunch and dinner. But only when I am home. When I eat out, I dunno why, but I always drink a diet coke.
24. Last summer me and my friends set up a fortune card reading tent at Ruisrock Festival. I read fortunes for 3 euros. I came up with the 5 Card Fortune After telling fortunes for a few hours, of my friends is certain that I have psychic abilities because I was not wrong once.
25. I think I am gonna get married within three years.