


you're such a glorious headfuck thing

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21 tuntia :--DPerjantai 24.04.2009 10:00

en osaa pakata sopivasti otan koko aja liikaaaa vaatteita pakkaan tääl viel huomennaki vittu :--D
plus pitääkö aamusin olla näin kylmä? :--(
jäädyn esim koko aja

kiva huomenna kaikkeeeeeTorstai 23.04.2009 18:54

jos en ehi viedä tet lappua tänää sinne ni pitää viedä huomenna plus huomenna on muutenki kauheesti tekemistä ps. 35 tuntia

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 22.04.2009 00:23

You hold the answers deep within your own mind.
Consciously, you've forgotten it.
That's the way the human mind works.
Whenever something is too unpleasant, to shameful for us
to entertain, we reject it.
We erase it from our memories.
But the imprint is always there.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 21.04.2009 01:54

you know I am the only one, your bitter taste of hell. sanoo (22:46):
oh em gee. * sensuroitu by laura * was beeing soooooo cute on the web today -..- i was like.. "omg do you HAVE TO be so cute?!?" -..-
lauraisonfire || omg, i love u, c, and i hope that u know it.. sanoo (22:47):
oh you gotta put him into jail for that
you know I am the only one, your bitter taste of hell. sanoo (22:47):
i knoow!
lauraisonfire || omg, i love u, c, and i hope that u know it.. sanoo (22:47):
okay now i'll take it seriously
you know I am the only one, your bitter taste of hell. sanoo (22:47):
but i still love him so much : ( and i know that i wont get over him...
lauraisonfire || omg, i love u, c, and i hope that u know it.. sanoo (22:47):
sorry for me being a cam whore i just can't help it!! :--D

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 21.04.2009 01:24

lauraisonfire || omg, i love u, c, and i hope that u know it.. sanoo (22:23):
shut up! :--D no i'm not!
you know I am the only one, your bitter taste of hell. sanoo (22:23):
lauraisonfire || omg, i love u, c, and i hope that u know it.. sanoo (22:23):
fuck yah! :--D
you know I am the only one, your bitter taste of hell. sanoo (22:23):
OMG you bitch!! :-O
you know I am the only one, your bitter taste of hell. sanoo (22:23):
fuck you too

eheh näin tänää kiitti taasKeskiviikko 15.04.2009 22:11

jos on nii vaikiaa ni sano suoraa älä mua syytä :--(

en tiäTiistai 14.04.2009 10:12

onko mulla kymmenen vai kasin aamu mut meen kouluu kymmeneksi sitte ohooho moi vaa :--)