


you're such a glorious headfuck thing

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good morning sunshine Sunnuntai 23.08.2009 15:20

Aaaaa eile: aamupojat lolz
ps saanks mä flitaasta?! :;___:;

There's no real love in you
Why do I keep loving you?

you're dead to meSunnuntai 23.08.2009 05:04

I know you love to insist and all it takes is a kiss and you just love to hate me.

!!! automatic♥Lauantai 22.08.2009 12:56

You're automatic,
and your hearts like an engine
I die with every beat
You're automatic,
and your voice is electric
Why do I still believe?

It's automatic
everywhere in your letter
A lie that makes me bleed
It's automatic
when you say things get better
but they never...

There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you
Why do I keep loving you?

It's automatic,
counting cars on a crossroad
They come and go like you
It's automatic,
watching faces I don't know
Erase the face of you

It's automatic
So traumatic
You're automatic

There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you
Why do I keep loving you?


Each step you make
Each breath you take
Your heart. Your soul.
This life is so sick
You're automatic to me

love in you
love in you
There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you

There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you
Why do I keep loving you?

Theres no real
love in you ..
Why do I..
(keep loving you?

dear you know if its youPerjantai 21.08.2009 23:03

you wanted your revenge.
now you got it.
feeling so fucking awesome thanks wanker.

apua iha rakkaus !Perjantai 21.08.2009 10:39

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 21.08.2009 00:05

I'm giving up on everything
Because you messed me up
Don't know how much you
Screwed it up
You never listened
That's just too bad

Because I'm moving on
I won't forget
You were the one that was wrong
I know I need to step up and be strong
Don't patronize me

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 20.08.2009 23:58

So don't apologize,
you don't even realize,
you screwed it up this time,
now you're the one alone.

god is a popstarTorstai 20.08.2009 10:20

vooi apua nukuin eka melkee seittemään sitte tuli vaatekriisi ja huomasin et on aika badhairday ja nyt ei huvita tulla edes kouluu :--Ddd

ps. ei kai vaa turha

mutsin työpaikalle tettii (y) Keskiviikko 19.08.2009 18:43

weheartit ja kahvia♥Keskiviikko 19.08.2009 10:58

aaa ehkä maailman ihanin olo tiiättekö semmone et tästä päivästä voi tullaki jotai
juon täs vaa kahvia ja hearttaan kuvia weheartitis ja tuol pihal on selai kylmän näköne ilma hii *w*
meinasin jo mennä parvekkeelle juomaa kahvia mut oho siel oli vähä kylmä

aaaa en haluu kouluu ku on jotai tennistä liksas apua !!1