


These kids today, with their texting and murder

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[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 24.06.2013 18:41

Can you hear me? Well I don't even care.
I'll stop my screaming to look the other way.
It's been a bad year, so let me sleep in one more day.
I really found that simple things live closest to your home.
I'm not alone because I live inside a world that is my own.
I haven't found what I've been looking for yet,
but you can count on me to stay forever

Yeah, let me sleep it off.
"Try not to be hard on yourself", was all I ever heard from her.
I finally think I understand what she was saying to me.
Because nothing's worth the pain in your back, believe in that.
The world can take control, but don't ever lose your heart.
Because I know you better than that.

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