


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 13.04.2009 22:43

Emppupa lasketteli lauantaina 3h Levillä :D Ja laski 3 kertaa sen World Cup -rinteen :D Oli kyllä kivvaa. Oon viimiset 5 vuotta haaveillu laskevani sen ja nyt sitte laskin :D Gondoli hissit on vaan niin vitun pelottavia :DD Hahhah ja lopuksi tuli katottua semmosia söpöjä lautailijahoppari poikia.. Nam!

VituttaaaMaanantai 13.04.2009 22:39

Oliko vittu pakko pilata mun päivä???!

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 09.04.2009 22:50

ja sit se grillas OMENAAA!!

My lifeKeskiviikko 08.04.2009 23:36

In my life
so dark and cruel
I cannot define love.
So much pain and hurt
so much for eternal love.

Oh, this night
so alone I feel my blame.
Sinners gone in Hell
ringing the Devil's doorbell.

Within my heart
I can depart
from this lust.

Within my pain
I rise again
to fight for your trust.

Can I ever live in your love?

I'm the dark one
of your deepest desires and dreams.
You just cannot see
that I'm the one who bleeds.

Come to me, come my pain,
make my heart to die.
Make me your slave
cover my soul into darkÂ…

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 08.04.2009 21:14

1-2v []
3-4v [x]
5-7v [ ]
7-10v []
yli 10v []

Töltännyt [¨]
Ravannut [x]
Laukannut [x]

Mennyt pohkeenväistöä
käynnissä [x]
ravissa [x]

Hypännyt esteitä [x]
Hypännyt 20-40cm [x]
Hypännyt 50-70cm [x]
Hypännyt 70-80cm []
Hypännyt 80-100cm []
Hypännyt korkeamman kuin 100cm []

Ratsastanut maastossa
käyntiä [x]
tölttiä [ ]
ravia [x]
laukkaa [x]

Mennyt ilman satulaa
tölttiä []
ravia [x]
laukkaa [x]

Ratsastanut yöllä []

Ratsastanut ex-ravurilla [x]

estekilpailuihin [x]
koulukilpailuihin []
kenttäkilpailuihin []
Käynyt katsomassa kilpailuja [x]

Nähnyt varsan syntymän [ ]
Olen auttanut varsomisessa []
Olen kouluttanut varsaa [ ]

Taluttanut hevosta [X]
Juoksuttanut [x]

Puhdistanut karsinan [x]
Puhdistanut varusteita [x]
Ruokkinut [x]

Soittanut eläinlääkärille [ ]
Hoitanut esim. haavaa [x]

Olen ratsastanut...

Shettiksellä [x]
Russ:lla [x]
Risteytysponilla [x]
Connemaralla []
Dartmoorinponilla []
Vuonohevosella [x]
Issikalla [ ]
Haflingerillä [x]
Tinkerillä []
Lämminverisellä [x]
Puoliverisellä [x]
Täysiverisellä [x]
Suokilla [x]
Shirellä []
Arabilla [/]

Minulla on...

Lempihevonen [x]
Hoitohevonen [x]
Hoitohevosia []
Vuokrahevonen []
Vuokrahevosia []
Oma hevonen []
Omia hevosia []

HehKeskiviikko 08.04.2009 01:23


- Tartu sinua lähimpänä olevaan kirjaan. Nyt.
- Avaa sivu 56
- Etsi viides lause
- Kirjoita viides lause ja nämä ohjeet päiväkirjaasi.
- Ota lause LÄHIMMÄSTÄ kirjasta, ei lempikirjastasi, tai teoksesta josta saattaisi löytyä mielestäsi hyviä lauseita.

"Firenze on onneksi vastannut näihin haasteisiin tarmookkaasti"

6kk yhdessä <3Tiistai 07.04.2009 19:02

Everyday (day), every night (night)
I wanna see u baby, stayin' by my side
I'm goin down on my, on my knees for you
for your love I'd do it, for your sake, believe I do
If you dont love me, why do you raise my hopes
No matter what happens, I can't let u go
U got it wrong, I didn't wanna hurt you
I wanna be all the world to u

I've not the faintest idea,why arent u talkin to me
I'm trynna be the perfect man, u always want me to be
I'm accustomed to u , ur a part of my life
Everything I told u honey, I've nothin' to hide
Ur my little angel, your my little star
I'm still waitin' every hour, your so close to my heart
All my life I've been waitin', for one moment in time
We're together I adore your eyes, I so adore your sweet smile (girl)

I dont give a damn about what somebody told u
I will ever be your man cause baby I love u
If the worse comes to the worst , I'm gonna hold u
I feel ur far from believin' it
We walk through a world where nobody has been before
turn back the hands of time open every door
I swear I will allay ur doubts and sure I love u more
to retrieve your affinity
Everyday (day), every night (night)
I wanna see u baby, stayin' by my side
I'm goin' down on my, on my knees 4 u
4 ur love I'd do it, 4 ur sake, believe I do
If u don't love me, why do u raise my hopes
No matter what happens, I can't let u go
U got it wrong, I didn't wanna hurt u
I wanna be all the world 2 u

[Verse Two]
U look into my eyes, put me out of my misery
I have never told lies, I hope that u come back 2 me
I want 2 spend my time of lovin u 4ever
No matter what happens, we must stick 2gether
Come on trust in ma words, give me ur heart back again
Kiss my lips, touch my hand, give me a second chance
My heart is pumpin',have a feeling that I've never felt,
If I'm allowed 2 be with u, the luck is comin 2 my world
So far as I remember , u was perfectly happy
2 find someone like me, in a world full of traffic
I fulfill ur dreams, its not only taffy
Ur the only one 4 me
We walk through a world where nobody has been before
turn back the hands of time open every door
I swear I will allay ur doubts 'n sure I love u more
2 retrieve ur affinity

Everyday (day), every night (night)
I wanna see u baby, stayin' by my side
I'm goin' down on my, on my knees 4 u
4 ur love I'd do it, 4 ur sake, believe I do
If u don't love me, why do u raise my hopes
No matter what happens, I can't let u go
U got it wrong, I didn't wanna hurt u
I wanna be all the world 2 u

If u dont love me, why do u raise my hopes
No matter what happens, I can't let u go
U got it wrong, I didnt wanna hurt u
I wanna be all the world 2 u

Everyday (day), every night (night)
I wanna see u baby, stayin' by my side
I'm goin' down on my, on my knees 4 u
4 ur love I'd do it, 4 ur sake, believe I do
If u dont love me, why do u raise ma hopes
No matter what happens, I can't let u go
U got it wrong, I didnt wanna hurt u
I wanna be all the world 2 u

Every day, day, day, day
Every night , night , night , night
Every day, day, day, day
Every night , night , night, night
I wanna see u baby (every day, day, day,day) stayin' by my side
Every day, day, day, day
Every night, night, night, night
Every day, day, day, day
Every night, night, night, night
I'll be crossing 2 u

Voi vitun noloTorstai 02.04.2009 20:56

INSIDE med Riikka