
happy birthday our princess perrie. ♥Keskiviikko 10.07.2013 05:31

the most beautiful woman in the whole world. much love xx

asdfghjklSunnuntai 07.07.2013 01:23

Loving a band with all your heart is something you understand when it happens to you. On the surface, others can see it was a petty obsession, but they'll just never know the feeling of putting so much faith into a few peoples on the other side of the world. It's hard to explain it to them, the listening to a song repeart, the waits for new albums, the eximent and surreal sensation when you finally see them live. They don't understand why the lyric booklets give you a sense of comfort, or why you paste photos of them all over your bedroom walls. And they can't understand why one band could matter to you so much. And you think to yourself " because they saved my life " but you don't say nothing, they wouldn't understand.

DJIAUBFJTorstai 04.07.2013 21:03



-Perjantai 28.06.2013 08:35

voin kertoa, että viien aikaan yöllä, pienessä väsymyksessä, ei kannata alkaa kattomaan up all night-tour live dvd'tä...

itken ehkä silmät päästä... 1. miks noitten pitää olla noin ihania? 2. miksen mä olis voinu olla tuolla? 3. miks ne ei vaan voi tulla suomeen vaikka nyt heti?
- You know I’ll be
Your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love
My heart
Is breathing for this
In time

-Torstai 27.06.2013 19:57

mein Leben... für immer.

in my heaven, you would be an angel.Keskiviikko 19.06.2013 07:06

his love makes me beautiful.

Sunnuntai 16.06.2013 07:15

much loveSunnuntai 16.06.2013 05:24

5 idiots who changed my lifeTorstai 13.06.2013 21:19

❤ Forever and always

liveLOVEmoveKeskiviikko 12.06.2013 06:20

Those boys are the reason why I don't have a crush or boyfriend. ♥