sen nimi on sylvester (23 v kenyast) ja me mennää kesäl naimisii (:
s: hi?
e: hello
s: are you in the us?
e: no
s: kenya?
e: no
s: finland
e: yeah
s: i have wished to be there wanna marry a finish lady
e: good luck with that
s: though i only know you the rest i know are my cousins
täs o pieni keskustelu välis jos kerron etten mä oo menos sen kaa naimisii
S: shud i request for you heart?
e: im fifteen
s: love doesnt measure age sweetheart
e: i dont believe in love
s: why?believe in it and give me a chance to influence your life
s:believe in true love and give me chance to influence your life hun
oooooookay ;:D