


can haz a T'hy'la? ♥

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NO KISSING, SRY MILLA ;<Lauantai 12.01.2008 00:22

and no groping on a first date either! 8'<

joo kiva olkkari. puristeltiin vähä.

8'''-----DPerjantai 11.01.2008 19:45

That's when things got out of control.
She didn't want to, he had his way.
She said, "Let's Go"
He said, "No Way!"
Come on babe it's your lucky day.
Shut your mouth, were gonna do it my way.
Come on baby don't be afraid,
if it wasn't for date rape I'd never get laid.

He finished up and he started the car
He turned around and drove back to the bar.
He said."Now baby don't be sad, in my opinion you weren't half-bad."

~~ ja sit se loppuosa on kans aika mahti 8'D

One night in jail it was getting late.
He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed.
But the guards paid no attention to his cries.

That's when things got out of control.
The moral of the date rape story, it does not pay to be drunk and horny.
But that's the way it had to be.
They locked him up and threw away the key.
Well, I can't take pity on men of his kind,
even though he now takes it in the behind.

OLIN RIIKAN KAA TALLIL.Torstai 10.01.2008 21:21

astuttiin talliin. riikka kattoo ekaa hevosta jonka näkee ja repee.
V: No?
R: toi hevonen näyttää ihan akilta !
V: *repeeeee*
R: noku se kattoo ikkunast tolleen ! toi sen ilme !
V: o__o okei.

sit ku lähetiin pihalle, se heppa tuijotti vielki ulos sielt ikkunast ja riikka repes :

V: missäköhän nekku (nektar, vanhin kaakki) on ? onkohan se kuollu? 8<<<<
R: *reps* VEERA JOO. NEKKU ON KUOLLU 8'''''<<<
V: "*älyää* 8'''''''''''''''''D"

“Hey, Ryuzaki.”

“Yes, Yagami-Kun?”

“How does you hair stick up like that?”

“It’s natural, Yagami-kun.”

“Oh. It doesn’t seem natural.”


“Hey, Ryuzaki.”

“Yes, Yagami-kun?”

“Do you wear eyeliner?”

“No, Yagami-kun.”

“Oh. It looks like it.”


“Hey, Ryuzaki.”

“…Yes, Yagami-kun?”

“Since you’re about to pound me into a mattress, don’t you think it would be better to call me by my first name?”

JAANA, MUNAKKAANI<2Torstai 10.01.2008 15:43

siis rakkaani.
yhyy nagts. kun pääsin kotiin ja ulkooven suljettuani aloin vaan itkee. oon nii tyhmä.
OIKEESTI TULEE. haluisin 8'< <3
sit tajusin ton sanottuani et kuulostin tarhaikäseltä pojalta :---D

mut joo, anteeks et mul ei oo kokoo eikä lihaksii. 8< siinä meni sekin.
MIKS KAIKKI AMMATIT MIHIN HALUUN ON BIG NO NO? (angst.paineita,stressiä ehkä? pitäis miettii)
ko puheterapeutti on aika mahoton 8''---) vaik se ois ihan mahtavaa.
tahdon olla semmonen samanlainen kun se mun joka anto mulle aina panda leimoi vihkoon 8')

"Maybe death by orgasm? Keskiviikko 09.01.2008 21:46

That's a lovely way to go and it would benefit both of them. Light added it to his list of possible ways to kill Ryuuzaki."

D <3

“My eyes. Did they lie?”Tiistai 08.01.2008 23:34

toi oli taas vaihteeks liikaa mulle 8< sana koht jonku sydänvaurion. ellei semmosta jo oo.