


can haz a T'hy'la? ♥

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TÄÄ KUOLI.Maanantai 28.01.2008 21:57

whaaaatt hurrtttts thee moooooust. :'(
herranjumala en tiedä miten löysin ton. katoin vaan et "oho, kappaleen nimi näyttää tultult." ja
sit laitoin ton soimaan ja älysin et toi on se jota oon lauran kaa hoilannu ihan sika pitkän aikaa sit.

oikeesti tykkään tost kappaleest ihan sikana.

and no more akuroku for veera,thank u. oon jonku viikon verran, okei, ehkä kaks viikkoo, axelgasmeis 24/7 8'))) en kyl voi sanoo et se on huono juttu mut silti !

joku saa joskus olla miun axeli ko haluun cossata roxyy :')

"Quit being such a tease."Maanantai 28.01.2008 00:04

"You'll die? I'm pretty sure a Nobody has yet to die from lack of sex."


[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 27.01.2008 17:13

Hey there boy, you scared?
You're just scared of getting hurt?
Then, love before you're loved.
W-T-F ?+??+??!!!1!?+?+?+?+++

OMPELEEN ----->Lauantai 26.01.2008 19:37

there is a little witch in every woman.

8)))))))) ♥

A woman at Tokyo Station without any lingering affection, having been stepped on:
I'm tired, because there's no reason left for me to live

I thought the happy days would go on forever
Inside me, there's a child that is very much like you
I'm so, so happy, but I don't know why the tears won't stop

Were you not happy? Was I a burden to you?
Is that why you abandoned me and disappeared without a word?
The bridal costume hanging on the wall, and the picture of that man in his seventeenth spring
And the last that was seen, his back as he went away is burned into my eyes and doesn't disappear

"I'm tired of loving" - you didn't forget these words as you ran away
The feelings I had as I kept waited for you... do you understand them?
The pain feels my heart again; nothing changes even if I cry out
As your shadow grows longer

I don't want this child that will soon be born to have bad memories
I'm sorry, for as a mother I cannot embrace this child gently
The memory of that seventeeth spring makes me cry, even though that day will never come again
Somewhere in the depths of my heart, I'm reaching out my hand

Were you not happy? Was I a burden to you?
That's why you abandoned me and disappeared without a word, wasn't it?

(Where are you now? Is your body broken anywhere?)
The bridal costume still hangs on the wall
(Are you living a fun life? The past is already...)
I'm still waiting for spring, and this child which I cannot see

ei siin mitään, vetää noi paremmin ko minä vaik siel on jotai ihan naperoitki tanssimas
biletän tääl. ~

tollanen teiniihkubändi<3
mä oonki aina miettiny et kuka nyt nahkaisen asukokonaisuuden alla mitään pitäis.

nam <3
we're just pretty boys