


can haz a T'hy'la? ♥

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mun on pitäny cossata sitä jo hhmmmm, 2 vuot sit? nojoo still my favguy♥♥
Veera: äiti osta mulle päärynäsiiderii! sitä nonalkoholitont! 8))))
Äiti: enkä 8<<<
Vilma: *ottaa banaaneja ja pussin* VEERA PUSSITA NÄÄ! *lyö samal veeraa nenään*
Veera: ai saatana D'8
veera: SÄ olit vahinko ! 8'<<<<

veera ja vilma : ... o__o *reps*
ja äiti oli nii laimee tyyppi ettei ees älynny et mitä hauskaa tos oli 8'<

mimmaa ♥ parast huumorii ikin 24/7

no anteeks jos oon kaappipervo 8<Perjantai 08.02.2008 00:41

"Off Duty
Hardcore Light/L stories of all different tastes. Anal, Dom, Fist, Minor, N/C, Spank, Tent, Yaoi"

*looks aroud. KLIKS*
btw, lolitan siel 8'----D
ihmiset, mielipiteit, pliis.

VAKIO :'''----DPerjantai 08.02.2008 00:22

"A Light/L(Ryuzaki) fic that takes place during the time they are handcuffed together until the end of the anime. The two fall in love and after Light's memories return, he struggles with his love for L, and his deep need to destroy him. Anal, Angst, Death, HJ, Oral, WIP, Yaoi"
Although I knew this love would not reach you, I still continue to love you, uncontrollably
Once more, I want to hold you in my arms
And never let you go

Those days I spent with you, who were like a sweet dream, although I though that I could never lose them,
“The person reflecting in your eyes, isn’t me, is it?”
With your eyes downcast, I couldnÂ’t say anything to youÂ…

While I was just a little shy, you gently touched me
In the trembling sunlight, you were the haze of summer heat
The warmth that you left behind,
Even now it constricts my chest,
And already, it warns me that I cannot return

Although I knew this love would not reach you, I still continue to love you, uncontrollably
Once more, I want to meet you in this place
And never leave you again

I will never forget your smile
Until my voice dies away, I will keep screaming out your name

Because I will never leave you againÂ…

MIKS KUUNTELEN JOTAI GACKTII.Keskiviikko 06.02.2008 21:35

D heidin,riikan ja caron vika kun nähtiin siit yhest lehest sen kuva.

popitan tääl jotai vanillaa 8'''D NOKU MIYAVIN YHES VIDEOS OLI SEMMONE LINKKI JA
PAINOIN SIIT. sit ihmettelin et kappale kuulostit tutult. X'D

AHISTAAKeskiviikko 06.02.2008 20:41


älysin muute, et vedän hiukset pannan kaa taakke vaan sillo ko ympäril on ihmisii
joiden kaa tunnen oloni ihan ÄLYTTÖMÄN mukavaks. pystyn pitää hiuksii sillee vaan koton,
koska mua alkaa muute ahistaa. ko otsis on semmonen piiloutumispaikka tai jotai 8'D

AU.Tiistai 05.02.2008 20:56

aijaijaijaiajajajjaajai 8<<<<<
purin vahingos palan irti posken sisäpinnast.

nää afterlife ficit on aika ♥ Tiistai 05.02.2008 19:40

“I care because I’ve never touched you, but I can remember at least a dozen ways to make you moan my name.”