


can haz a T'hy'la? ♥

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"Give me those wings" <''''''''3 hehee kuolenko ees..?

ja öö, heräsin keskel yöt siihe ko lauloin ff VII'n loppubiisii ja luulin et se soi tyyliin mun huonees .__.

I wanna meet up with you and show you what I'm thinking
I'll take you anywhere, that you wanna go
I'm sitting here, all lonely and you know that anytime you're free
To show, show me how you feel
I'll take you anywhere, that you wanna go
Anywhere that you wanna go

I'd make it right if you wanted it
I want it back more than you know
I'd cross the line if you wanted it
I want you back
And I'm waiting, for you
To get that feeling once again
Reunited in the end
And I've been waiting for you
To capture my imagination
Cause I've been fooled by the illusions in my head

Now I realize that I've never had it so good,
It took me anywhere that I wanted to go
Now i'm sitting here dreaming of the days
When anyime I wanted I could show you how I feel
I cant go anywhere, that I wanna go
Anywhere that I wanna go

OH GOD WHY? ;__; tollaset iskureplat ♥ Maanantai 19.05.2008 01:52

"Hey Roxas."


"I'd look good on you."

"That's nice."

And there would be a nice silence for maybe a minute.

"Hey Roxas."


"I've lost my virginity. Can I have yours?"


"Can I have directions to your heart?"

"I don't have one. Now fuck off."

CIWWAF 'IL UUSII BIISEI = ♥Maanantai 19.05.2008 01:13

I'll be your Doctor, I'll be your cure.
I'll be your Medicine and more.
Yeah you can rest assure,
I'm your doctor, I'm your cure.
I'll be your cure.

I've got a secret please don't repeat it
I took the chemicals we took to make our chemistry
And I remixed it, It didn't fix shit
All it did was make our memories a blur to me.

This emergency brought you to me

<33333333333333 ???+++<33<33????? siis niinku namd D: ♥

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 18.05.2008 21:20

I continue to crawl every following day , only to reach the same mediocre life.
Even though my destiny is carved in to stone, I'll just take a deep breath.
I knew it wasn't enough, when the passing dats were crushed by the loud roars.
The needle-like rain stopped puring down on me when you arrived
I can't take this brodeom any longer

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ♥♥♥♥ mitä hoilaankaan seuraavat päivät sit? D:

kirppiskeijjuiltii ♥♥Tiistai 13.05.2008 23:26

grrr milla oot mun mopopoika

hahaa.Tiistai 13.05.2008 01:40

Jaana : " sul on tämmöne jännä arven näköne juttu tääl päässä..."
Veera: "Nii oon vetäny rappuset kurperkeikoilla alas pienenä".
Jaana : "... iha ko täst näkys niinku 'luuta'."
Veera : "no en ihmettele vaik näkyiski."

) oon ollu hurja.

VOI. HERRAN.JUMALA.Tiistai 13.05.2008 01:37

voi lol. "Dirty Little Secret~ L/Light/Misa" kiva olla tommoses videos juutuubes 8''''D

no se misa cossi on todellaki mun dirty little secret D: se on nii kauhee hyihyihyi.

When we live such fragile lives
It's the best way we survive
I go around a time or two
Just to waste my time with you

Tell me all that you've thrown away
find out games you don't wanna play
you are the only one that needs to know

I'll keep you my dirty little secret
(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret
(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)
My dirty little secret

grrrr melloileen nyt heti! 8D Maanantai 12.05.2008 22:41

väistöliikepappa oli paras ♥ plus patukka at the way home with jaana darling~
negativen rumpali = a living version of Zack. (hehee ainaki samaa tasoo lihakset ♥)
ja mun eessä hyppi ihan joku tifa tyttö, ja takana istu aerith pyörätuolis o__o oli jännää khyl.
miten must tuntuu et must aatellaan tollee joka päivä..? 8'
D sen takii teenki aina ihmeellisii väistöliikkeit ko tyypit esim. venyttelee iha viattomasti.