ah. löysin äsken paljon kappaleit mitä en oo kuunnellu pitkään aikaan.
rakastuin niihin uudestaan 8)
And it feels like, we could last forever~~
whuu, bileet <3
mun musamaku on aika erikoine. ekaks jotain ihanaa fiilistely musaa
ja sit jotain " soo in lööve with twoo" hikaruharuhikaoru musavideol 8D
My number ooooone there could never be one like you, how come?
My number twon never tried to tell me what to say, or do
i'm so in love with two<3
If i only coul decide, but i can't make up my mind...~~
..~~My number two is the one that really makes me feel, so good<3
uuaah 8D