
Eminem - crazy in loveMaanantai 21.07.2008 00:26

[Other voice]
Tell myself that I was doing alright
There's nothin' left to do at night but
To go Crazy on you, Crazy On You
Lemme go Crazy, Crazy on you

[Verse 1]
Can't you see what you do to me baby?
You make me crazy, you make me act like a maniac.
I'm like a lunatic, you make me sick
You truly are the only one who can do this to me
You just make me get so crazy.
I go skitzo, I get so insane I just go skitzophrenic
One minute I want to slit your throat
The next I want sex.
You make me crazy,
the way we act like 2 maniacs in the sac
We fuck like 2 jackrabbits
And maybe that's a bad habit.
Cuz the next day we're right back at it
In the same exact pattern
What the fuck is the matter with us
We can't figure out if it's
Lust or it's love
What's sad is what's attracting us to each other
They say that every man grows up to marry his own mother.
Which would explain why you're such a motherfucking bitch
But I stay and still stick it out with you even though I just hit you today
But you deserved it you hit me first and provoked me to choke you
Just cuz I came home late last night crawled in bed and I woke you.
But if there's one thing about you that I admire, it's baby
Because you stay with me, maybe cause you're as crazy as I am
Cuz when I look at you I can see an angel in your eyes
But if I look deeper inside I see your freakish little side.
Like a devil in disguise,
You're always full of surprises
Always pullin' devices
Out your purse, little vibrators and dildos
You fucked yourself so much
You barely feel those anymore
You're only 24 but you're plenty more mature
Than those other little hoes
Who just act like little girls
Like they're in middle school still
You're crazy sexy cool, chillin
You play your position
You never step out of line
Even though I stay in your business
You've always kept out of mine.
I wonder whats on your mind
Sometimes they say love is blind
Maybe that's why the first time I dotted your eye
You ain't see a sign.

[with Chorus]
Or maybe you did Maybe you like me and stuff
Maybe cuz we're crazy in loooove

Crazy Over you
Crazy Over you
Let me go crazy crazy Over youuuuuuuuu

[Verse 2]

You're the ink to my paper
What my pen is to my pad
The moral, the very fiber
The whole substance to my rap.
You are my reason for being
The meaning of my existence
If it wasn't for you
I would never be able to spit this
These sentences I do and the irony
Is you rely on me as much
as I rely on you to inspire me like you do.
You provide me the lighterfluid to fuel my fire
You're my entire supply
Gas, the match, the igniter.
The only way that I am able to stay so stable
Is you're the legs to my table
If you were to break I'd fall on my face.
But I'm always going to make you feel
I don't need you as much as I really need you
So you don't use it to your advantage.
But you're essential to me
You're the air I breathe
I believe if you ever leave me
I'd probably have no reason to be.
You are the Kim to my Marshall
You're the Slim to my Shady
The Dre to my Eminem
The Elaina to my Hailey.
You are the word I am looking for when
I'm trying to describe how I feel inside
And the right one just won't come to my mind.
You're like the pillar that props me up
The beam that supports me
The bitch who never took half,
The wife who never divorced me.
You're like the root to my evil
You let my devil come out me
You let me beat the shit out you
Before you beat the shit out me.

[with Chorus]

And no matter how much
Too much is never enough
Maybe cuz we're crazy in loooove

I'm Crazy Over you
Crazy Over you
Let me go crazy crazy Over youuuuuuuuu

Sophie - Liikaa kipuaTiistai 15.07.2008 23:33

Aina liikaa meikkii peittää mustelmaa
Silti kantaa ylpeenä sormustaan niinku rakkaus ois kestämisen arvosta
Varmaan miettii ettei muut tajuu niiden tunteita. et on normaalii elämänsä uhrata
Vaan koska yksin olo pelottaa. Se sattuu mut joskus se on vaan paljon parempaa

<3 VauvvaaaTorstai 01.11.2007 16:04


Näin eilen jotain niin söpöä
semmonen pieni ruttunen poika vauva
joka sulatti heti sydämmen <3

Joten Onnea vaan Natalia ja Kari.. :)

RAKKAUS<3Keskiviikko 15.08.2007 00:17

<3<3 08.08.2008 <3<3

RAKKAUS <3Torstai 12.07.2007 02:32

Ihanaaa olen niin rakastunut <3
niin rakastunut että ihan pakahdun <3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 09.06.2007 15:30

Ollaanko me joskus nähty?

Muistatko sinä, joka juuri luet tätä tekstiä ja tunnet minut
(esim. omistat puhelinnumeroni, olet paras kaverini, olet joskus jutellut kanssani jne.)
miten tapasimme?

Minä muistan (ehkä!) mutta muistatko sinä?

Ole kiltti ja kommentoi että tiedän sinun muistelleen meidän kaveruuttamme :)
Sinä, joka kommentoit (tai luit tätä) kopioi tämä omalle sivullesi ja ylläty siitä, miten moni sinut muistaakaan!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 18.05.2007 00:49

kun sinä viillät viillän minäkin
luovutin verta takiasi
katson kun sisimpäsi kärsii..
itken itseni uneen..
olet niin rikki lyöty että pelottaa
en uskalla katsoa kuinka rikot itseäsi
satutat itseäsi
kyyneleeni tipahtaa tyynyyn kun muista mitä
sinä oletkaan tehnyt
sinä aurinkoinen enkeli joka hymyilee pienemmästäkin asiasta
nyt kasvoillesi on eksynyt suuri pelko
pelko jonka haluan sinun pyyhkivän kasvoiltasi pois..
muista että olen aina tukenasi..

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 14.05.2007 20:34

kaikuna kuuluu kuiskaus
jos kuiskaus kuuluu kaikuna
onko se silloin enää kuiskaus>

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 14.05.2007 20:28

Silmäni loistavat punaa joka sisältäni vyöryy.
Huuleni ovat lumenvalkoiset hohtaen kuolemaa
joka sydämessäni on
Sisälläni virtaa tuhka joka on poltettu sydämestäni
Viilto sisälle niin täytyn mustasta
mustaa mielessäni
mustaa sisälläni

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 14.05.2007 20:22

puhallan lumihiutaleita
ne laskeutuvat maahan sulaksi
katoavat kuin tuhka tuuleen
tahtoisin olla lumi hiutale
kadota näkyvistä
kukaan ei enään muistaisi minua vaikka kerran olisikin nähnyt