
HEPPATYTÖT TEKEE SEN PAREMMIN!Maanantai 08.12.2008 19:48


1) We have 4 speeds and many positions
2) We wear tight pants and tall boots
3) We love getting dirty
4) We know how to ride our mounts
5)We perform well with animals
6) We like to be in control
7) WeÂ’ll ride it for hours
8) We know how to handle a big girth
9) We get off easy
10) We're always on top
11) We like it rough
12) We have our legs spread all day long
13) We love using whips
14) Straddling is our natural position
15) We don't mind being bucked around
16) Event riders do it for three days
17) We can ride standing or sitting
18) We wear leather chaps everyday
19) We think the fast ones are the most fun
20) We're used to having hands between our legs
21) If we fall off we get back on and ride harder

Rommi <33Maanantai 08.12.2008 14:57

You'll be allright
Fight, baby fight
You are strong enough
I know that you are

Jebou <3Sunnuntai 07.12.2008 12:33

Do you remember those days of old times?
The days were so golden and all shining bright

Now those days are gone, now I'm here all alone
Alone, oh miseria

The sun was so shining but rain came one day
The dark came so fast and now it's here to stay

Now this is my life in this cold emptiness
Empty, oh miseria

Take me away
Take me back to when life was liveable
I can't stay
In this hell, oh miseria

Do you remember that day when all died?
I'd give my everything just for its change

But this is the end I can't stand all this pain
The pain, oh miseria

Tamperetalo 5.12.2008Lauantai 06.12.2008 18:55

Oli aivan mahtavaa <3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 29.11.2008 22:59

musta on tullu joku himo facebookittaja ;DD

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 29.11.2008 11:59

I would fly, leave this solitude far behind
Hold you eternally close to mine
Get away from these million nights of winter
I would, if I only could

Voisin lentää, jättää tämän yksinäisyyden kauas taakse
Pitää sinua ikuisesti lähelläni
Lähteä pois näistä talven miljoonista öistä
Tekisin niin, jos voisin

juujuu 8DDMaanantai 24.11.2008 21:43

tuijja splöö says:
no ei täältäkää oo sinne 300k
h e i n i. says:
h e i n i. says:
salee on muute ;D sehä on lapissa
h e i n i. says:
inarin keskustasta sinne on 300km about. ja inari on iha tuol lapis
h e i n i. says:
melki rajal
tuijja splöö says:
nii inarist leville 300km
tuijja splöö says:
tampereelt leville 875,9km =DDD
h e i n i. says:
noni ;>
h e i n i. says:
ei vittu XD
tuijja splöö says:
itseasias inarist levil 302,1k ;DD
h e i n i. says:
kirjotin ennille et "pitäisköhän taas keskittyy tähä mulutukseen" ku piti kirjottaa muolutukseen
h e i n i. says:
tuijja splöö says:
tuijja splöö says:
tuijja splöö says:

auts :SMaanantai 24.11.2008 18:17

siis OMG multa katkes KYNSI ja nyt se on kipee :'''<

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 21.11.2008 19:46

anteeksi, mutta mulla vaan on parempi olo tästä. Ja tiedän että sulla tulee olemaan parempi olo.