IRC-Galleria 16.11.2008 20:54


He bears a tale so gloom and tragic never to be known
Into darkness now fallen, into hatred now grown
Like stillborn child drifting in the silent seas
Of blood, crushing all his dreams
No castle walls can hold the fury in his eyes
Devotion for death, now controls his life
No gold or silver can bring him consolation
Only one thing is left inside him, the desire of revenge

One light so cold and pale, sleeping quietly all alone
One life so old and gray, wandering away from home

Parted with a horrid cry, snow falls on his grief
United by the sword of wicked screams
What deeds he has done to hear those deadful sounds
In the ruins of memories he wanders, forever bound
Forever bound to death!

Wait for me in th mountains, haunt for me in the winds
Wait for me in the land where nothing lives
Until the day I have found revenge, I will feed my sword
Until my heart is cold, every breath of mine is yours

väsyny...Torstai 13.11.2008 23:10

oli tänään aika rankka päivä työharjottelussa ja olen ehkä tulos kipeeks, nukuin töitten jälkeen 3tuntia... veli tuli tänään viikonlopuks jyväskylään pelaaman wow - wotlk:a... mun oma kone on korjauksessa ku sano sopimuksen irti eilen...

huomenna infernoon jos vaan riittää virta...

nyt takas nukkumaan

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 09.11.2008 18:05

en lue
"Hey ho! to the bottle I
To heal my heart and drown
my woe.
Rain may fall and wind may
But there still be many
miles to go!
Sweet is the sound of the
pouring rain
and the stream that falls
from hill to plain
Better than rain or
rippling brook
Is a mug of beer inside
this Took!"

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 09.11.2008 04:11

mää on tyyhhhhmäää... mien ollen tutkal ja siellelleenmn sad Ä*AF

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 05.11.2008 22:08

pittäis lukkee kokkeeseen ja pittäis siivota ja pittäis tehä koulutehtäviä ja mitävielä...

jänskättää vähän lauantai :D että mitenkä menee meirän los piratos-teemapäivä :D

ainakin mul on kunnon kostyymi lauantaille :))

nyt vois vähnä lukkee kokeeseen ettei mee perseelleen se...

päivän biisi :D:D


ja polvet

miekkakättä heiluttaa,
puujalkaa kanteen koputtaa

ja polvet

miekkakättä heiluttaa
puujalkaa kanteen koputtaa

eteenpäin hyökätään
taaksepäin näin pyöritään
ankkuri kun vauhdilla ylös nostetaan

eteenpäin hyökätään
taaksepäin näin pyöritään
purjeet vauhdilla kun ylös veivataan


samalta orkesterilta, tosin eri biisi kun ei löytynyt tätä meidän jumppa biisiä youtubesta :S

monkey island 3 :D

Haggis: We're a band of vicious pirates!
Edward: A sailin´ out to sea.
Bill: When you hear our gentle singing...
Haggis: You'll be sure to turn and flee!

Guybrush: Oh, this is just ridiculous.

Guybrush: Come on, men! We've got to recover that map!
Bill: That pirate will be done for, when he falls into our trap!
Bill: We're a club of tuneful rovers!
Haggis:We can sing in every clef!
Edward:We can even hit the high notes!
Haggis:It's just too bad we're tone deaf!

All: A pirate I was meant to be!
All: Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Guybrush: Let's go defeat that evil pirate!
Edward:We know he's sure to lose, ´cause we know just where to fire at!

Edward:We're thieving balladeers.
Haggis:A gang of cutthroat mugs.
Bill: To fight us off ye don't need guns!
Edward:Just really good ear plugs!

All: A pirate I was meant to be!
All: Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Guybrush: All right, crew, let's get to work!
Haggis: Our vocation is a thing we love, a thing we'd never shirk.

Haggis: We'll fight you in the harbor.
Bill: We'll battle you on land.
Edward: But when you meet singing pirates...
Guybrush: They'll be more than you can stand.

Bill: Ooooh! That was a good one!
Guybrush: No, it wasn't.

Guybrush: No time for song! We've got to move!
Bill: The battle will be long, but our courage we will prove!

Bill: We're a pack a´ scurvy sea dogs.
Haggis:Have we pity? Not a dram!
Edward:We all eat roasted garlic...
Haggis:...then sing from the diaphragm!

All: A pirate I was meant to be!
All: Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Guybrush: Less singing, more sailing.
Edward: When we defeat our wicked foe, his ship he will be bailing!

Bill: If ye try ta fight us... will get a nasty whackin´!
Edward:If ya disrespect our singing´...
Bill: ...we will feed ya to a kraken!

All: A pirate I was meant to be!
All: Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Guybrush: I´m getting so sick of you guys and your rhyming.
Haggis: We´re ready to set sail, through the cannons need a priming.

Edward: We're troublesome corsairs!
Bill: And we've come to steal your treasures!
Haggis: We would shoot you on the downbeat...
Edward:...but we have to rest five measures.

All: A pirate I was meant to be!
All: Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Guybrush: Stop! Stop! Stop!
Bill: The brass is what we'll polish and the deck is what we'll mop.

Guybrush: You say you're nasty pirates...
Guybrush: ...scheming, thieving, bad bushwhackers?
Guybrush: From what I've seen I tell you...
Guybrush:'re not pirates! You're just slackers!

All: A pirate I was meant to be!
All: Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Guybrush: We'll surely avoid scurvy if we all eat an orange.
Haggis: And...!
Bill: Well...
Bill: Door hinge?
Edward:No, no...
Bill: Guess the song's over, then.
Haggis:Guess so.
Edward:Okay, back to work.
Guybrush: Well gee. I feel a little guilty, now.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 04.11.2008 06:31

sanonpahan vaan että liskot on huomenna/tänään koulussa :D:D

ps: mua ei saa kiusata sitte paljoo