


c∀ndy makes u hallucinate

:___D tylsäääMaanantai 11.10.2010 17:12

hei kata teenki siit sun antamast korust sormuksen ja cossaanki tota laulajaa 8D

puuuhMaanantai 11.10.2010 00:20

jos joku jota ei haittaa lagaa siel takan sit tulee kattoo ALSDEAD lupaudun seuraks. : )) mut muuten en jaksa ostaa lippuuu...

viddu ko Heartless ois viel yhes ja viddu ko ne ois tullu koska... se oli mahtava bändi!!! jaaa arghhrgrh D:

btw tein tnä hyryläs ruki ja reita piparit : ) oli kauniit ♥ ke kampaajalle ja ens viikol kattoo itse ilkimyst ♥ iha jees

no urghSunnuntai 10.10.2010 18:29

äääää vihaan sitä ko bändit vaihtaa nimii DD:

ja nyt kyllästyin todellakin : )

ja ilkeytenihän johtuu vain siitä että olen väsynyt joten pyydän anteeksi
se joka on samaa mieltä sanoo "anuksest!"

ja tämähän ei liity SAW 3D:hen...

sanoo ihminen joka katsoo pokemonia tällä hetkellä...

btw onko kukaa huomannu et melkee kaikki sarjamurhaajat on ainaki yli 20? vai onks siinki hommas joku ikärajotus jota en oo huomannu

iha anuksestPerjantai 01.10.2010 20:06

Day 11: Name Of Your Elementary School

Day 12: A Photo Of Me Taken Recently
Day 13: A List of All The Places YouÂ’ve Lived
Day 14: Your Day, In Great Detail
Day 15: Favorite American Idol Winner
Day 16: Your Best Friend
Day 17: A Hobby Of Yours
Day 18: A Place YouÂ’ve Never Visited But Want To
Day 19: The First Wedding/Funeral YouÂ’ve Been To
Day 20: Someone Who Shares The Same Birthday As You
Day 21: A Place You See Yourself In 5 Years
Day 22: Favorite Website
Day 23: Favorite Boy Name
Day 24: Favorite Athlete From Your Favorite Sport
Day 25: Guilty Food Pleasure
Day 26: Favorite Form Of Exercise
Day 27: Favorite Television Program
Day 28: A Picture Of What You Wore Today
Day 29: Something that inspires you.
Day 30: A Song I Wish I Knew The Words To

konelagis : )))))Perjantai 01.10.2010 01:02

nää on kyl vaikeit DDD:
Day 5: Your favorite J-Rock song:

Day 6: Your favourite J-Rock video:
Day 7: A J-Rock song that makes you cry:
Day 8: A J-Rock song you know all the words to:
Day 9: Your favorite J-Rock performance.
Day 10: How you first got into J-Rock.
Day 11: The very first J-Rock song you ever heard
Day 12: Your favourite J-Rock singer.
Day 13: Your favourite J-Rock drummer.
Day 14: Your favourite J-Rock guitarist.
Day 15: Your favourite J-Rock bassist.
Day 16: Your favorite J-Rock lyric (and a translation).
Day 17: Your ultimate J-Rock idol.
Day 18: Your favourite J-Rock cover song.
Day 19: Best live J-Rock group.
Day 20: Your favorite picture of your J-Rock idol.
Day 21: Your favourite piece of J-Rock merchendise.
Day 22: Your favorite picture of your favorite J-Rock group.
Day 23: Your favourite J-Rock tour.
Day 24: A J-Rock song that makes you happy.
Day 25: A J-Rock group that you have seen live.
Day 26: Your favourite interview with a J-Rock group.
Day 27: A J-Rock member that you would like to meet.
Day 28: A J-Rock group you wish would get back together.
Day 29: A J-Rock song you never get tired of
Day 30: Your favourite J-Rock album

no noihin on tuhat muutki vaihtoehtoo, mut Last Dance, koska lagin sitö 07-08 :___D ja GACKT on ain ♥

bunrakuunKeskiviikko 29.09.2010 21:07

no nyt ko se on ollu siel torontos ni vois tulla suomeeki : (

ja GACKT musikaalin seuraavaks! voisin keksii sille täydellisen roolin ja siin leffas sais olla Johnny Deppiki

miks?!Keskiviikko 29.09.2010 17:06

voisin hankkii kirjakaverin vaa sen takii et saisin joskus postii : ((


[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 29.09.2010 17:00

Day 10: A Silly Photo Of Me

Day 11: Name Of Your Elementary School
Day 12: A Photo Of Me Taken Recently
Day 13: A List of All The Places YouÂ’ve Lived
Day 14: Your Day, In Great Detail
Day 15: Favorite American Idol Winner
Day 16: Your Best Friend
Day 17: A Hobby Of Yours
Day 18: A Place YouÂ’ve Never Visited But Want To
Day 19: The First Wedding/Funeral YouÂ’ve Been To
Day 20: Someone Who Shares The Same Birthday As You
Day 21: A Place You See Yourself In 5 Years
Day 22: Favorite Website
Day 23: Favorite Boy Name
Day 24: Favorite Athlete From Your Favorite Sport
Day 25: Guilty Food Pleasure
Day 26: Favorite Form Of Exercise
Day 27: Favorite Television Program
Day 28: A Picture Of What You Wore Today
Day 29: Something that inspires you.
Day 30: A Song I Wish I Knew The Words To

sannaki siin. don't kill me!