
isupportjuukevinSunnuntai 16.11.2008 22:55

Paul - It's a four letter name for a gentlemen. But if you go to a mere dictionary, it means something. From Roman it means 'humble', but to others the word means 'handsome'.

But to most of us, he's Kevin. But when you stand in the crowd of one of our concerts, who is everyone screaming for? Nick and me? But what about the other one? The other one being Kevin... Who plays his heart out, and breaks a sweat to bring that amazing guitar skill to the stage? The one who never gives up. Oh, am I talking about Nick! No!!! Nick does play, but who does it for 2 hours straight only stopping for a intermission between the songs? From 2005 to now, there's been one guy who stands on stage, in the back, on the left. Oh you mean Garbo! No, not at all, not even Garbo himself can take his place. It's Kevin. Paul Kevin Jonas II, the hazel eyed, brown curly haired guy, who is famous for his love for guitar and the band. Oh and don't forget.. MY BROTHER!

Do you remember him now? Everyone sees him, but no one knows him. Going to city to city, who is your favorite? When you say "I support the Jonas Brothers", does that include the oldest? The 21 year old, hasn't had it easy. "Oh he's gay! Why do you like him? Joe is so sexy! Nick is so hot!" What does that say to me? True fan right? Not at all. He has something so real. What was the last thing I have seen about Kevin? He's SO hot? He's SO ugly! His chest hair needs to be shaved! His sideburns are really tacky! What does that make you think of that person? Why bring him down? I'm not the only one who has fallen on stage. Kevin has too. Yes that's hard to believe as he has much better balance then me. Just think about spinning, while playing guitar, and trying to master the spin in front of millions.Can you do that? Sure, he is the oldest, okay so, he rarely sings loud in a song, but his heart is pure gold. What makes him different? He's Paul Kevin Jonas II. Stop the hate. If you were teased because of your looks would you hate it? He's pushed and shoved in interviews, as the older brother.

Step into Kevin's shoes for a minute.
Waking up at 4 a.m to head to a brand new city on the tour.
Walking out of the tour bus, with thousands and thousands of fans standing there.
But Kevin just smiles, and waves.
He's being ignored.
Well maybe it won't be bad.
He gets dressed in his dressing room.
Hears thousands of screaming girls.
Steps up on the stage, and smiles.
Begins the introduction of a song.
Then the lights hit them, and then hits the audience
What does he see?
Nick and Joe signs.
How would you feel?
He does a lot.
He's dragged down, but what does he do?
Quit being a Jonas brother? NO!

So, stop the hate of my favorite Jonas brothers.. He does a lot. He tries his best. That is all he can do right? Without him the JB wouldn't be right... He's the cheese in our macaroni. Support him.. Leave a comment please. Kevin isn't a bad guy. He's not gay. He has amazing good looks! I wish I was that good looking. I can't even hold a candle to him. Thanks bro. You are the best, to put up with some of this hate and still smile. Kev, you rock. Never give up and soon this hate will stop. Thanks bro for being my role model. So keep rocking that guitar of yours and show these people how amazing you are!

(started by:joejonas)

huomenta?Sunnuntai 16.11.2008 00:33


loveeu2!Perjantai 14.11.2008 17:08


To Our Fans from Joe, Kevin and Nick:

It is our normal rule to avoid talking about our private lives. It seems that it has come to the point where we must address a few things. We would prefer to address these things and then leave it alone from that point forward.

We felt like it was important to respond because recent events have affected our fans. It is important to us as artists and brothers to enlighten regarding this situation. Our fans are the most important thing to us.

There are rumors and suggestions that are being publicized in the press right now about us. Like all people our age we are trying to find someone special that we can share time with in our busy lives. We all have busy schedules and high demands. We love our life and are thankful for all that we have. We are simply stating that it is difficult to maintain relationships with the kind of life we live.

We love our fans and it is important to us to protect that relationship.

To Our Fans from Joe:

This blog is not an attack of anyone. Anytime you are in a relationship for any length of time there are going to be issues. Sometimes they resolve. Other times they lead to a change of heart. This was the case recently.

Several things I will state with all my heart…

I never cheated on a girlfriend. It might make someone feel better to assume or imply I have been unfaithful but it is simply not true. Maybe there were reasons for a breakup. Maybe the heart moved on. Perhaps feelings changed. I am truly saddened that anything would potentially cause you to think less of me.

For those who have expressed concern over the "27 second" phone call. I called to discuss feelings with the other person. Those feelings were obviously not well received. I did not end the conversation. Someone else did. Phone calls can only last as long as the person on the other end of the line is willing to talk. A phone call can be pretty short when someone else ends the call. The only difference in this conversation was that I shared something the other person did not want to hear.

There were later attempts at communication that had no response.

I wish the best for the other person but could not sit back any longer and leave our fans with a wrong impression of the truth.

Hope this helps enlighten a little.

We love you and miss you

Joe, Kevin and Nick

<<< Joe ei olis voinu kirjottaa paremmin , ja tuliha itku silmää luki tätä :'( <itku>

ÄÄÄgg"¤%&/Perjantai 14.11.2008 00:20

Se vastaaja kuulosti NIIIN aidolta , luulin ett ne puhu mulle , aijon soittaa tonne joka pv miljoona kertaa, niin ihanat äänet<3445

WTF! Torstai 13.11.2008 18:14

Ocean up on vääntäny vähä väärin tätä juttuu.. "That's why we broke up - because he met her."
Eli ei joe oo pettäny vaan se on jättäny sen ennnen ku ne on alannu ees seukkaa..

KATSO TÄMÄ !Tiistai 11.11.2008 18:58

sm - karsinnat @ rauma Perjantai 07.11.2008 00:51

sunnuntaina takas ..

happy b-day kevin<3Keskiviikko 05.11.2008 16:36

5.11 - 21!

lazygirl , en jaksa laskee;DSunnuntai 02.11.2008 22:42

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Hyvää nimipäivää!Sunnuntai 02.11.2008 22:34

Hyvää nimipäivää Topias<3