


sono la migliore

Keskiviikko 31.10.2007 20:10

I am you and you am I

You feel weak,
want to only die,
because you want to again live
Fear keeps you awake,
run by the pieces of broken glass
on which you want to never step.
I cry if you cry,
guard you if you dream,
am there if you me call
and am silent if you swear.

I am you and you am I.
I am you and you am I.
Your pride is my courage,
your soul my blood.
I am you and you am I
your warmth is my light.

The sky tears up
dries the rain,
smears the traces behind you.
If you dare further to go
if all walls fall, each door opens.
I die if you die,
erstarr' to you agitate yourself,
catch you if you falls,
let me fall if you me hälst.

I am you and you am I
I am you and you am I
Your pride is my courage,
your soul my blood.
I am you and you am I
your warmth is my light.

Your stop is my way,
your hope my prayer,
your fire my strength
your tear my night.

I am you and you am I.
I am you and you am I.
Your pride is my courage,
Your soul my blood.
I am you and you am I,
your warmth is my light.
I am you and you am I
your warmth is my light.

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