


kuinka? kekä? kute? Käse? Käh käh?

mieitnKeskiviikko 28.01.2009 20:53

mahtaako joku tappaa mut huomenna tai perjantaina *grin*

joskus onTiistai 27.01.2009 23:25

ihan hyvä jättää asioita tekemättä
Fake faces everywhere I see,
Fake people looking back at me
Sit down, don't tell me,
Don't tell me where I don't belong

Just Because of The FrustrationMaanantai 26.01.2009 16:37

I try to make my mind steady in front of you,
I try to keep my head and be calm.
I try not to scent, I try not to feel,
I try not to see your face.

And I can't understand what is wrong
and I try run away.

I want your blood now, I can't control myself,
I have to take your life and make it mine.
You're breaking my concentration everytime
and I can't trust myself anymore.

And I can't understand what is wrong
and I try run away.

As you walk alone, I'll be right behind you.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 23.01.2009 13:04

Apr 18 2009 8:00P
Nosturi FIN-Helsinki

ahahaaa anni näki musta untaTorstai 22.01.2009 02:04

anni sanoo:
en muista sitä kunnolla mutta sää olit töissä jossai ihme paikassa ja sitten menitti helsingissä jonnekki baariin sun työkavereitten kanssa, joku kaisa ja tiina tai jotai. sitten selitit mulle seuraavana päivänä että joku iha vitun hot muija oli yrittäny sua ja se ois halunnu panna sua mutta sää olit kieltäytyny koska halusit kotiin kattelemaan karttakirjoja kynttilän valossa :''DD
anna sanoo:

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 19.01.2009 18:43


'Oletuskuvasi on sääntöjen vastainen. Käyttäjä ei ole tunnistettavaissa oletuskuvasta.'

Olenhan niin autenttinen Jokeri.


Close To MeKeskiviikko 14.01.2009 22:28

jee teen ekaa videota. Ilmoitelen myöhemmin enemmän.

...and the roots undo..Lauantai 10.01.2009 14:18

Hide the petals underneath that bedroom floorboard
and they will wither without fail or success.
Put the people in the hollow box they crafted,
bolt the doors and watch them perish.
Its a cautious descent, so polite and pensive at first.
But the only truth is change, have patience
(every hundredth year, a single breath and then its over...)
Even if only for a minute for a minute its over.
Even if only for a minute.
So brave in the face of all those roots that ruin,
to stand so tall when in fact in ruins.
To face that corner of the box and dive in,
just the sound alone of its humble breath.
A murmur from the ruins echoes softly as the roots undo, and the branch becomes...

-so how did it end? can you describe those final days?
broken windows, and resting eyes.
-can you tell us what happened here?
they finally got sick of it all, they just gave up on accepting fate.
that was the loophole, they found the achilles heel and managed to strike it down.
at the feet of the ruins is a dormant structure. dormant but breathing, still breathing.
the wind sweeps through its hallways, echoing at the establishment of their caretakers.
an exhaltation of cold premonition.

-can you describe what took place?
the shock, sounds from a hollow box. a corner to dive in. i touched their misery, he just went to sleep.
an exhalation of cold breath.
-the kind of breath you could see?
the shock, the terror.
behold the riddle of the ruins. when a door is not a door. behold the riddle of the ruins, adore.
-describe the feeling when you knew it all would end. in those final days.
he gave up. behold a branch will continue to grow
-how did it all end that night? last night ,did they?
fear, and a touch of their misery
-and he just stopped breathing?
it was a single lesson, he just layed down, sounds from a hollow box
just went to sleep. dormant, dormant but still breathing. took a final breath.
he just went to sleep and just stopped breathing.
a single lesson will be taught we will all be taught. behold the final breath.
when they knew it all would end. still breathing and he just stopped. stopped breathing.
we will all be taught, taught how to swallow bark.