


kuinka? kekä? kute? Käse? Käh käh?

oawKeskiviikko 23.12.2009 20:50

RAWR!Keskiviikko 23.12.2009 20:49

elvis costello<3Torstai 17.12.2009 14:47

What did I do to make her go
Why must she be the one
That I have to love
So like Candy

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 16.12.2009 12:09

are you pretending (that you care)
are you even listening?

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 14.12.2009 18:57

I am a prisoner in a war of idiots. The stomping feet of waltzing hypocrites pave the way of a brave tomorrow. Choke the throat of passion and sorrow. Kill my drifting breeze of thought. I have been captured. I have been caught. I am a prisoner in a war of scowls, coughing youth from its bowels. I am doing fine. I am feeling well, deep inside my dark well cell.

uh mikä angstMaanantai 14.12.2009 18:44

Musaa myynnissäSunnuntai 06.12.2009 15:29

Selkioelta on tullut 3 euron hintainen nettijulkaisu Zombie Bird EP

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 27.11.2009 18:25

Edit: naisen sukupuolielin

näin hauskaa unta tossa joskusLauantai 14.11.2009 03:07

anni sanoo:
millastaa ?
Anna A. Fungus sanoo:
no siis se alkoi sellai et olin jossain talossa ja soitin sulle
sitte yhtäkkiä sytytin sen talon vahingossa palamaan
sittte sanoit että lähetät jonkun sieltä mua auttamaan
siis tänne ikaalisiin
jonku sieltä oulusta
no yritin sammuttaa sitä paloa
ja yhtäkkiä jenni soittaa että on kohta täällä
sanoin että lähden vastaan vaikka ei se enää paljoa auta ku se talo oli jo melkein palanu
sitte lähdin ulos ja jenni tulee HIIHTÄEN
jotai mäkeä alas ja huutaa TERVEISIÄ OULUSTA


tylsyydessäin kirjoittelenLauantai 14.11.2009 01:43

I wasn't supposed to meet anyone.
I wasn't supposed to see you there.
I wasn't supposed to miss you so much.
I wasn't supposed to fall in this trap.
But here I am.
A fool waiting
for your time.
Waiting for
your touch.
I didn't want to meet anyone.
I didn't want to be wanted.
I didn't want you to see me.
I didn't want us to be.
But here we are,
falling and loving
each others
'til the end.
I wasn't supposed to meet you.
I wasn't supposed to be there in your life.
I wasn't supposed to be in your dreams.
I wasn't supposed to interrupt your day.
But here I am,
standing in your room.
Watching the the ceiling cave in
and the walls falling.
You didn't want me in your life.
You didn't want me to want you.
You didn't want to have me here.
You didn't want us to be.
But here we are,
eye to eye,
and I touch your hair,
you close your eyes
and we are gone.