• Kuvassa:
  • reason_

    reason_<reason_> Nätsky ^^
    ~so are you~<3

  • True friend is person
    who knows everything about you,
    but still likes you

  • deffie

    deffieyou think this is pretty but ques what,
    I think you are the one who is♥

  • I will be your guardian angel

  • some pretty, lovely, cute person
    who is so important
    to me. ♥

  • this is for you now,
    because you also liked it
    and asked for it

  • your beautiful is true♥

  • thank you saija, and remember friend,
    that what you say is all that you are♥

  • thank you ;-) and don't forget that you are too ♥

no matter what happens, I will always be by your side.