I'm so thumb-suckin' Brahms and Liszt Frank Bough 'cause I 'ave ter Scapa Fla Hammer and Tack ter school tomorra. i've 'ad sum Robinson And Cleaver yesterday and i've vomited, but yahh, I Beechams Pill wish I 'ad Robinson And Cleaver today also, so I wouldn't 'ave ter Scapa Fla ter school, except in thursday and in friday. blimey god.
Yeap, I iz quite boned up. I just would dig to sit on poota tomorrow also, I iz too frigin knackered to go bak to scool, goddamnit.
Me thigh 'urts an' oi don't nu why. the-day Ah've tried ter translate sum av mom's school things ter Sasanach but feck it, 'tis speshal words an' stuff so 'oy de 'eck oi can nu waaat dat stuff means.