


so fucking proud of these days

THIS IS TRUE ANARCHY YOU FUCKERSPerjantai 19.10.2007 02:10

nasumin lyriikat on melkei tarpeeks pessimistisiä mulle. lol.

when you try too hard
to find meaning in what you see
you forget the origin of the landscape
so carefully laid out at your feet

is it hard for you to understand?
does it bother you that I don't fucking care?

i'm not here for you to read me
like an open book, so don't fucking ask
i'm just thinking, thinking loud
bringing words to tongue and moving fast
all this shit you take for granted
leads to nothing, makes no sense
instead of waiting for being told
maybe you should tell yourself?

you're a slow learner, you'll never last
in a world so cold you're supposed to make it fast!

disappointed - yes, but this is hardly news
youÂ’re disadvantaged from the start
thereÂ’s no denying it and you are through...

i hate people telling me what to do - fuck you!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 19.10.2007 02:08

grey is the feeling, grey is my view of society
grey is the tension, grey is the face - face of disgrace
grey is the building, grey is the room in which I live
grey is my life, grey is the colour of hopelessness

all is grey - pictures, shapes
all is grey - views and smells
all is grey - nights and days

all is grey - you and me

rippediriprip mieszko ♥

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 19.10.2007 01:04

c im nada biaach, she is!

mu sormet haisee kumille :DDDDDDDDDD OLEN LYÖMÄTÖN!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 19.10.2007 01:02

ää huono olo edellee! katoin housen tylsä jakso. syylline olo ku kauhee mumsmums taas. ehkä mun kandeis hakeutuu johki koulukuraattorin juttusille vähä purkaa vitutustani ni ei tartteis kirjottaa galtsuromaanei (mut bustasinpa taas pari jotka kyylää >:DDD). ööjoo.

stalkkaan ♥

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 18.10.2007 21:55

mielikuvituksettomat ihmiset on tyhmiä ja tarviin vipit et voin stalkata

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 18.10.2007 21:53

vitu huono olo. täällä haisee safka.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 18.10.2007 21:50

forced to die inside

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 18.10.2007 21:07

np go with the flow

ikävä rasmusta.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 18.10.2007 20:30

ps i hate myself and i want to die

gaussian vomit and gizmo pigTorstai 18.10.2007 17:20

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