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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 12.10.2008 07:10


on vähän ikävä entisiä hoodeja.
eikä niin vähäänkään.
tänään käytiin läpi paulit, huutelijat, homemummot, helénit sun muut.

robert on luvannu pullon andréta, grilled cheese sandwichin jack in the boxista, biljardia ja bugzapperin kattomista + synttäriseksiä jos asun siellä sillon.
kuulostaa hyvältä!
(paitsi että se myös kuulostaa ihan normaalilta illalta siellä :D)

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 12.10.2008 01:39

oispa limsaa :(

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 11.10.2008 06:55

jee, puhun alanin kans aimissa :DDDD xDD
se yritti esittää party rapistia mut tiesin kyllä ettei se ollu se xD
ja kohta soitan taas robertille <3
snuggle bear <3333333333333333333333333333
herätän sen ku se meni päiväunille :D <3
aww ^^

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 11.10.2008 03:09

1. What are you listening to right now?
- the manges - don't mess it up.

2. What song makes you sad?
- I can't think of one right now :/

3. What is the most annoying song in the world?
- ANYTHING they play on the radio here. ANYTHING.

4. Your all time favorite band?
- I always come back to green day no matter what. so probably them.

5. Your newly discovered band is?
- probably the manges even though I've known about them for a year or so but haven't really started getting into them until now.

6. Best female voice?
- mehh. I don't know. well actually the girl in even in blackouts has an awesome voice.

7. Best male voice?
- dan vapid has a special voice <3 but I don't know really.

8. Music type you find yourself listening to most?
- poppy, happy, fast kind of punk rock <3

9. What do you listen to hype you up?
- screeching weasel!

10. What do you listen to calm down?
- some pogues songs would suit well.

11. Last gig/concert you went to?
- the methadones! in gothenburg. <333

12. Band you find yourself listening to the most right now?
- the pogues, the manges and the methadones quite a lot right now.

13. Most hated band?
- I don't know. some swedish or finnish band probably ;D

14. Song that makes you think?
- I don't know :s

15. Band that you think the world should love as much as you do?
- the queers! and DEFINITELY the dear & departed :D

16. Coolest music video?
- hardly watch any.

17. Music video with the most babe watch?
- psshh, babe watch! none of that.

18. What “do you play/would you play” in the bedroom to spice things up?
- buster poindexter - hot hot hot ;D;D or not.

19. Can you play a musical instrument?
- yes. bass guitar.

20. Ever been in a mosh pit?
- yes.

21. Are you in a band?
- no :(

22. If yes, what kind of music does your band play?
- I bet we'd play some kick ass music.

23. Ever dated a musician?
- no. just guys who played instruments.

24. If yes, what kind of music did he/she/they play?
- bleh.

27. If no, would you consider?
- no. (I wanna know what happened to a couple of questions here!)

28. Do you wish yourself that you were a musician?
- every now and then.

29. Best chick band you know of?
- I guess the donnas.

30. Best guy band you know of?
- all of my favorite bands of course! :D

31. Last song that you heard on the radio/cdÂ…etcÂ…?
- the queers - surf goddess.

32. What do you think of Classical music?
- it's okay.

33. What do you think of Country music?
- blehh.

34. What do you think of Death metal?

35. Last BIG band that you saw live?
- fuck big bands, I saw the methadones! <333

36. Are you a groupie?
- no.

37. Do you listen to music in foreign languages?
- yes; english.

38. What famous musician do you find sexy?
- not sexy but enormously charming; shane macgowan :D (definitely not sexy). and ben weasel is kinda hawt.

39. Worst concert moment?
- when I saw trivium and I was feeling really sick and I had to go throw up the whole time and I was so tired I could've fallen asleep on the floor :s

40. Funny Concert moment?
- when sean smith (the blackout) said me and csilla were in trouble (while he was on stage).

41. Sad Concert moment?
- I don't know. anything involving crying?

42. Best local act you can think of?
- NONE. our local scene is full of shitty bands with even shittier people in them.

43. If you were a musical instrument what would you be?
- I don't know.

44. Do you listen to the radio?
- no.

45. Do you watch music TV?
- no.

46. Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40?
- no.

47. Have you meet any famous musicians?
- yes. quite many actually!

48. Are any of your friends/family etc musicians?
- no.

49. Song that best describes your feelings right now?
- I don't know :/

50. Song that describes your life?
- I don't know.

51. Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to?
- probably not :D

52. Does a musicianÂ’s physical attractiveness play a role in the music that you listen to?
- no. I listen to bands with ugly guys in them :D

53. What famous musician do you want to marry?
- no one.

53. Favorite movie sound track?
- I don't think I have a favorite.

55. Any musician pet hates?
- no?

56. What do your parents listen to?
- old school rock, finnish metal and that type of shit. (which is still way better compared to what other people's parents listen to :D)

57. What are you listening to right NOW?
- jawbreaker - boxcar.

58. Do you wear band etc T-shirts?
- yes.

59. What do you think of people who do?
- I don't care. unless it's a band I like too :D

60. What music sub-culture do you feel like you belong to?
- the pop punk nerdy people kind of group.

61. What song is stuck in your head right now?
- the song I'm listening to.

62. Do you sing in the shower?
- no.

63. If so, what? If not, why not?
- I'm really embarrassed of singing when others hear it :/

64. Would you rather marry a musician or be one yourself?
- be one myself.

65. What is in your walkman/discman right now?
- nothing! ipod <3

66. How important is your partners taste in music to you?
- it's sorta important, it's always nice to discover bands together, go to shows and share music with each other. <3

67. Hanson moves in next door to you, do you go introduce yourself, or do you arrange to beat them up?
- tell linda about it!

68. Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll, you dig?
- yes. weed, sex & punk rock <3

69. Do you cook to music?
- yes. IF I cook that is.

70. Do you sing in the toilet?
- no.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 11.10.2008 01:29

tuli tässä vaan mieleen et voin vielä sittekki päästä sinne kouluun keväällä koska täytän vaan ne scoret heti ku saan ne ku oon nyt registeröityny sinne grossmontiin! (ja ne saattaa jopa heti mennä sinne niille ne scoret.)
ja sit tämä paras osa; jään sinne sit ku meen ens kerran! (jos nyt pääsen sinne kouluun.)
nii et jos oikeen hyvin käy niin muutan joulukuussa!

niin EHKÄ.
vähä siistii!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 10.10.2008 22:27

meen tän kuun viimenen päivä tekeen TOEFL kokeen :o :s
varasin just paikan ja maksoin jnejnejnejnejne.
tästä se nyt lähtee.
(enkä ees kerkee tuon vitun koepäivän takia hakea kevät lukukaudelle nii et joudun hakee sit kesällä -___-)

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 10.10.2008 21:17

näin magdea ja se oli ihan kivaa.
pelattiin guitar heroa ja sellasta.
mut sit vitutti vähän ku sillä oli puoli tuntia aikaa ja mun piti just oottaa puoli tuntia että pääsen kotiin niin sen oli ihan pakko mennä sisälle ku sen piti päästä paneskelemaan ennen ku se lähti kööpenhaminaan vaan yheks päiväks -______-
sain sit istua kaupan pihalla sateessa sellaset 30 - 45 minuuttia vaan koska se oli niin tärkeetä sen pippailla vähän ennen ku se lähtee. vaikka ne asuu yhessä ja voi panna vaikka koko ajan jos siltä tuntuu.
no joo.
niillä onki vähä erikoinen suhde, eli ei kovin hyvä sellanen :P

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 10.10.2008 15:14

heräsin aikasemmin ja nyt vituttaa ku on kylmä ja sit pitää mennä suihkuun ja pitää olla nopeeki et kerkeen nähä magdee ennen ku se lähtee kööpenhaminaan ._______.
ois se robert nyt vaan voinnu olla hereillä -____-

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 10.10.2008 07:35

näin jonku karseen scenemuijavideon.
toi scene juttu on vähä niinku sellanen kilpailu et kenellä on eniten meikkiä ja tukkaa ja rumimmat hiphop meets "rock" vaatteet. :S
mitäköhän tapahtuu jos sytyttää tulitikun sellasen seurassa :o

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 10.10.2008 07:09

2 vanhaa paskaa.
vanha pariskunta vauhdissa.
(mä oon se mies sit)