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Aasian matkan " summerize"Tiistai 03.07.2007 07:09

The trip's...

colour: Mintgreen
No doubt about it, it's everywhere. Towels, sheets, walls, houses, bathrooms, clothes, curtains, you name it!

Highlight: The Lake Bajkal
We mean, all guidebooks says so, it can't be anything but true, can it?

Inside joke: The Canadian who missed lake Bajkal

Guestbook post: "Let life be a journey instead of a guided tour! (And don't miss lake Bajkal, we heard a canadian did...)

DJ-quoute: "Everyday is a good day!" (Everybody on the beach!)
This was two of the only things the DJ at Long Beach, Perhintian Kecil could say, and he sure knew to repeat it often..

Beach: Flora Bay, Perhintian Kecil
If there is a paradise, it' most likely there. We've never seen as clear water or as white sand...(Plus Nemo lives there..)

Hairdo: Mullet (Aka. Hockeyfrilla)
We've seen way to many hockeyfrillor, but we guess that is the only way to be cool and trendy in Asia

Injuries: Johanna's knee and kristin's blisters
It was pretty bad at the time, and took forever to heal, but we're lucky we didn't get anything worse than that

Surprise: Kristin being lift up and carried into the water by random Irish (?) guy.

Sight: The hammock guy
If you were at Ao Nang while this guy was there, you couldn't have missed him. That lime-green thing really draws attention...

Ice cream: LOTS of it, but the most frequent one is Cornetto Cookies and Cream (And when we don't eat ice cream, we talk about it, driving fellow travellers insane)

Food: We've had SOO much delicious food, but if we have to name one thing, it'll be the Indian Restaurang in Luang Pragang, Laos, or the street vendors everywhere.
(And even here, when we don't eat it, we'll talk about it..hehe)

beer: The PET-bottle bought somewhere on a train platform in Siberia
(Because after that one you can always say you had worse.)

Unexpected meeting: Seeing Maria Hjärne and Anna at Long beach, Perhintian Kecil
(and then bumping into them again at MBK mall, Bangkok, which is like finding a needle in a haystack)

Game: Knogleken (renamed by Julius to myskoleken)

Drink: Beer and Pineapple shake
(One a day keeps the doctor a way...And even more of them doesn't hurt..)

Country: Malaysia
Well run, efficient, clean, cheap and absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Only downside is the overpriced beer...

Disappointment: Not being able to meet up with Will and Austin again.
It's almost as sad as it would be to miss the Lake Bajkal if you go on the transibirian railway. (we're saying almost, because how could anything ever be as miserable as that?)

Party: The full moon party
Well, it's the world's biggest party, and it well fullfilled our high set expectations.

Morning-after-discovery: Carrie finding a circle-shaped hole (about 8 cm wide) on the but-part of her pants, wearing no underwear, and having no idea where and when it occured.

Most unpleasant room-mates: The HUGE, smelly Russian men in our train cabin Long, gross toenails, pants half down, and trying to make Kristin their 3rd wife. Do we need to say more?

Most played artist: Bob Marley
Everywhere, everyday. You can't travel SE Asia without hearing No Woman No Cry, unless you're deaf.

Traffic-safety-devise: Rock-piles
In Mongolia, seat belts are replaced by big rock piles by the side of the road, and for good luck in traffic, you simply step out of your car, circle it three times clockwise, and you're good to go!

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 08.03.2007 15:59

To laugh is to risk appearing a fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose one's feelings is to risk rejection.
To place your dreams before the crowd is to risk ridicule.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To go forward in the face of overwhelming odds is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is
to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing,
Does nothing,
Has nothing and is nothing.
He may avoid sufferings and sorrows,
But he cannot learn,
Feel, change, grow, or love.
Chained by his certitudes, he is a slave.
He has forfeited his freedom.
Only a person who takes risks is free.

~Leo Buscaglia
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