


you know, you're in love when you cant fall asleep, cause reality is finally better than your dreams
Älä näytä modausta
  • i don't wanna live day withaot you,
    i just wannabe the one,
    who makes you happy

  • o. Don Filippos
    sillei se vaan meni pois >:

  • where are you now
    when i need you most
    why don't you take my hand
    i wannabe close


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fuck this shit

the funniest thing of this text is, that by the time you realize, this text doesnt say anything, then it's too late to stop you dumb fuck

I'm nice, until you give me a reason not to be

im 99%sure he doesnt like me, its the 1% that keeps me hanging on

i named my teddy after you, so i could always hug you

you know youre in love when you cant fall asleep, because reality is finally better than your dreams