You: hi
Stranger: lulz
You: where u from?
Stranger: what up?
Stranger: the future
You: okey im bored
Stranger: really, your name is Bored?
You: u like to get high
You: ?
Stranger: depends
Stranger: you said you were bored
You: yup
Stranger: how much did your mother hate you since she named you Bored?
You: u wanna take control of the world with me
You: lets make world like a hell
Stranger: no thanks
You: lets burn whole world on the gruond
You: and fuck
Stranger: let's make it every gay man's dreanworld!
You: :D
Stranger: with unicorns and rainbows and teddybears
You: and dicks?
Stranger: duuh, thought I didn't have to say it.
You: :DD
You: whats ur name?
Stranger: Rekorderlig
You: wanna get ride :D
Stranger: huh?
You: ride to the happy world?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: this is awkward
You: why?
Stranger: can I ask you something?
You: yes
Stranger: cause it is
Stranger: when does the narwhal bacon?
You: :DD
You: i dunno
Stranger: then you shall not be my companion, but my slave
You: no teddybears will be our slaves
You: :D
Stranger: no, the negros, THE NEGROS I TELL YOU
You: and we ride with teddybears all the time to the happy world
Stranger: dude, you retarded?
You: no niggas i dont wanna niggas to the happy world
You: no im not
You: im just high
You: no im just weird person :DD
Stranger: so I've noticed
You: wanna be the king of my penis
You: O_____o
Stranger: i think not
You: :DD
You: well the king of pussys
Stranger: you're a pussy
You: haha
You: ääääääääää
You: ööööö
Stranger: how can you write those letters?
You: im from finland
Stranger: päivä, routsi
You: and u can do those like ¨ <-- that and then o or a
Stranger: åäö
You: u from sweden?
Stranger: damn straight
Stranger: actually work for a finnish company though
Stranger: Kone
You: no sit kai tajuut tän?
Stranger: I don't know finnish dammit
You: haha
You: fail
You: jag titta på porno
Stranger: you're fugly language doesn't attract anybody
You: finnish is difficult language
Stranger: yeah i know
Stranger: i have finnish relatives
You: jag älskar pårnå
You: XD
Stranger: lol, heipaa!
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