



Selaa blogimerkintöjä

On the contrary;Sunnuntai 05.10.2008 05:55

[2:54:31] Gabriel sanoo: ..... I .... see.. Mario... sucking dick...
[2:54:42] Gabriel sanoo: .... no, it's not a dick...
[2:54:48] Gabriel sanoo: IT'S A FUCKING MUSHROOM

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 05.10.2008 03:02

"Chatting to you gives me a total hardon on-and-off because i switch between this chat and wow. Very confusing. My hormones are like ????????????

The penis gets sore."

<3 XD

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 05.10.2008 02:32

Quotaan paljon ja turhaa.Sunnuntai 05.10.2008 00:37

"It's considered to be a poohole.

(well uhm, it IS the poohole, but you know what I mean.)"

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 04.10.2008 22:44

"FAG, you look like a fucking female!"

"... well, FOR A REASON, because I AM one!"

YHYY OIKEESTILauantai 04.10.2008 22:04


Voi miten raivostuttavaa.Lauantai 04.10.2008 02:26

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 03.10.2008 21:02

"Not if they're long enough. Well, they do if you don't hold them, but what's the point in walking around with a brush sticking out of your arse anyway? It's made to move."

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 03.10.2008 01:57

[22:55:00] Gabriel sanoo: Hey...
[22:55:08] Kiyoshi sanoo: yes?
[22:55:08] Gabriel sanoo: WHY do men like women?
[22:55:57] Kiyoshi sanoo: ... I... honestly dont know? Natural reproductive instincts?
[22:56:06] Gabriel sanoo: Perhaps.
[22:56:08] Gabriel sanoo: But...
[22:56:12] Gabriel sanoo: Females are squishy. O_o
[22:56:16] Gabriel sanoo: They have so many soft parts.
[22:56:22] Gabriel sanoo: THEY ARE PILLOWS GODDAMNIT.
[22:56:34] Kiyoshi sanoo: I like pillows!
[22:56:38] Gabriel sanoo: So, men like pil-...
[22:56:39] Gabriel sanoo: XDD <3
4chan ftw.

"Post tits, otherwise you won't get any pics."

"No. Naked feet instead?"

"No, only tits will do."

"... here, take clothed tits. CAN I HAVE MY PICTURES NOW?"

"Clothed tits won't work.

We require tits as payment for our services. If you give us clothed tits, that's like giving someone a check that's going to bounce.

We require full, unclothed, time stamped tits. I'll start looking for the stuff now."