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[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 15.02.2012 23:57


[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 15.02.2012 00:26

Napoleonin makuuhuoneTiistai 14.02.2012 12:38

näyttää suunnilleen samalta kuin joksi kuvittelen 4-vuotiaan prinsessan makkarin.

Lo and behold.

D<Torstai 09.02.2012 18:35

Nyt vittu se Lafin dossaaminen loppuu, mitä sivulinkkiä mä hakkaan kahden minuutin välein kun Lafi on kuollut koko ajan?

Lol BDIKeskiviikko 08.02.2012 19:47

"Käytit testin tekemiseen 3 minuuttia 10 sekuntia. Testipistemääräsi on 48.

Testin suorittaneet ovat saaneet keskimäärin 20 pistettä.

Jos pisteiden yhteismääräksi tulee 17 tai enemmän, lääkärin puheille menoa suositellaan. Masennus luokitellaan lieväksi, keskivaikeaksi tai vaikeaksi. Yli 30 pistettä viittaa jo vaikeaan masennustilaan, jolloin on viimeistään ehdottomasti syytä hakeutua hoitoon."

PS. 28 kurkea.

24.Keskiviikko 08.02.2012 18:44

An Important Message

The information is also in the official site but due to Kyo's suffering from a vocal cord nodule,
we had no choice but to unfortunately cancel the North America tour this March and April.

He has been consulting with a doctor in recent years but
it has come to this point and the doctor has ordered him to stop.
It is unfortunate but it was decided on in order to be able to go on stage and
do recording in the future, I hope that you will understand.
In fact, he just went to the hospital.
He intends to undergo the best possible treatment for his throat.
Of course he wouldn't be "trying anything" but would be progressing forward cautiously.

Currently he can't talk due to the treatment but,
it is not a hindrance to his daily life so there is no need to worry.
I am not sure how long it will take until he would recover but,
he is also consulting with the members and will do what he can.

We've made all of you who understand DIR EN GREY the best worry but,
I hope that you could wait for a while until they come back on stage.

atsushi inoue

20 kurkeaKeskiviikko 08.02.2012 17:30

Ruokatauko, jonka aikana leikkaan lisää arkkeja.
Trololo. Onneks mulla on vapaa aikaa, koska näitä tarvitaan vielä 980.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 07.02.2012 21:34

Vihaako Lafi kaikkia muitakin tänään?

:D Lol anteeks?Tiistai 07.02.2012 20:10

What is this I don't even...
Haluun tietää mikä tää sivu on lol, se on... lievästi viihdyttävä.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 07.02.2012 01:26

"DIR EN GREY cancels Still Reckless tour appearance as vocalist Kyo falls ill with throat problems.

Dir en grey has suddenly canceled their 14 city tour, which was to start in spring, just days ago. Dir en Grey consists of five musicians, their vocalist, Kyo, is suffering from throat problems. Doctors have diagnosed him with vocal cord polyps and Laryngitis. The decision to cancel the tour was final, according to the doctors advice.

The physician said that Kyo’s vocal state, “Has deteriorated considerably with throat polyps and early surgery is required,” and, “including the surgery, we must follow up with more tests. It is uncertain when the bands activity will resume.”

Kyo has faced vocal problems before, with edema of the larynx and inflammation of the vocal cords (folds) in 2009, three years ago, which required emergency hospitalization. This delayed their 2009 ‘Feast of V senses’ tour based in Sapporo and Sendai. Kyo had been dealing with exhaustion and they had been overbooked, alongside Kyo’s voice being weakened. It was advised that Kyo rest his voice."