"Hello. My name is John and I would like to tell you a story about a girl. Her name is Julia. One night I met Julia at a popular nightclub. She was really pretty and also really nice. I asked her if she would like to come and party with me. Julia and I continued to date for a really long time. She even told me that I was the love of her life. I felt that we were madly in love. But I was apparently wrong as I caught her in bed with another guy. FUCK YOU JULIA.
Please help me!
Take the link below and send it to as many people as possible. When somebody clicks your link
the pictures will be revealed just for you. The more people see this bitch, the bigger is my REVENGE!!!
Eli mitä useampi klikkaa linkittäjän laittamaa linkkiä, sitä useamman ja paljastavamman kuvan linkittäjä tästä pettäjänaisesta näkee!"
Karua, mutta saattaisin kyllä itsekin toimia samoin :DD