



The epic story of epic gloryLauantai 21.08.2010 18:31

I ate a corn with butter and sweet chocolate that felt like it'd explode in a piece of shizzle and then slew out. The cat looked at me when I took the turtle in and licked it's shell and then bit of a leg, it tasted great.
I looked at airplanes and wondered "How could this be Cartmans breakfast? It's not fat, but Kenny could eat it, he's gay". Kyle didn't know about my secret which was that I didn't really care about Shane's big green vagina.
I found his little pink photo of Paris Hilton, it was not as pretty as I had imagined.
I started thinking "what if Cartman wakes up dead?" That'd be hilarious, I'd masturbate until I explode.
Now feel bad, cause I ate your pubic hair. Even tho' I love red pubes!
I continued thinking "What would Brian Boitano do now?" and said hello to my cat.

written by Jenna, Mira & Hanna. yay.

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