



[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 30.08.2009 17:09

Cause every breath that you will take
when you are sitting next to me
will bring life into my deepest hopes..

I'm glad I met you.. <3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 29.08.2009 17:38

[c=#FF5809]Firefox[/c=#FFE6CC] da [c=#DF1A1A]Sienimiäs[/c=#F5D9D8] | [c=#73E66C]~Froggy~[/c=#E6EE7D] says:
Oikeesti mulla on tosi hauskaa ku mä täöäl ääntelen ja se vaan kokoajan kattoo ympärilleen ja sit repeen ja se rupee tuijottaa muab XD
sitä varmaan ärsyttää ku sei ymmärrä edes omaa kieltään ku oon vaan wnb kissa :')
se maukas mulle takas

~ shiny-saman private RIKA THE KEKSIPAKETTI ~ says:

[c=#FF5809]Firefox[/c=#FFE6CC] da [c=#DF1A1A]Sienimiäs[/c=#F5D9D8] | [c=#73E66C]~Froggy~[/c=#E6EE7D] says:
se nousi ja katto mua sillee et don't worry ja sitse oli sillee mraauuuhh~ :') ja sitse meni takas makaamaan XD
olin iha et aww <3

~ shiny-saman private RIKA THE KEKSIPAKETTI ~ says:
Awwwww 8'D

;__;Lauantai 29.08.2009 15:22

Every time we meet,
my hear pounds 'baku baku'
Every single day,
this excitement grows 'toki doki'
My heart is swaying 'gera gera'
I can't resolve it,
and it's depressing me 'moya moya!'

A life-sized version of me?

I'll gently watch your face
from your side, ah~n
Holding up my hands,
I gazed beyond the sky, ah~ah~n
Meeting with you and placing
our hearts together, ah~n
Seeking kindness, peace and warmth~

'I hate you!'

The tears that you spilled, hoi hoi
Make the stars I gaze up
upon faint and blurry, yay
These unfamiliar,
once-transparent feelings, hoi hoi
Only continue to grow, yay

Our finger tips are bound
together by fate, hoi hoi
And althrough I really can't explain it, yay
Whenever you place your
back against mine, hoi hoi
I stop becoming afraid

Every day,
I'm walking on air 'kuwa kuwa'
I've found something to look
forward to 'waku waku'
I fiddle about, unable to put
it into words 'moki moki'
My body can't take much
more of this 'fuya fuya!'

Make me 100% sweet!

That day we first met still
lies within my chest, ah~n
I won't go astray, run away
or give up, ah~ah~n
No matter where you go,
I'll be there with you, ah~n
Come on, match this rhythm that
rings from the tip of my toes

'I hate you...'

The lonely night comes to an end, hoi hoi
and I realize just how much
time has passed, yay
These unfamiliar feelings that have
sprouted in the garden of my heart, hoi hoi
Only continue to grow, yay

Holding on to this prayer that
you've given me, hoi hoi
Together with a little wish, yay
I send them now to the
starry night sky, hoi hoi
And bring warmth to this freezing cold

Let us dance and elegant waltz, ah~n
I won't be defeated,
retreat or falter, ah~ah~n
I've always been shouting
within my heart, ah~n
'Why is it that I keep longing for you?'

'I love you...'

It makes me laugh when I look back, hoi hoi
Because I'm jealous and selfish, yay
The first to fall in love is
the one who loses, hoi hoi
As these unfamiliar feelings
continue to grow, yay

Why, oh why is it, hoi hoi
That I'll break apart if I
tell you how I feel?, yay
You and I are of a different kind, hoi hoi
And the one who cries last will be me


[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 29.08.2009 14:46

Haluisko joku joskus cossata MariAria/Malice/MarisaxAlice mun kaa? :'DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Mä oisin ofc Marisa.. ~


[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 29.08.2009 14:42

Jee tänään Pietarsaareen Ronjan kaa ja sitte yötä Johsun luo :')))))))

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 29.08.2009 00:01

It was all worth it.. <3

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 28.08.2009 23:24

No kiitos vaan
nyt voit jo pitää se vitun suus kii
mä en enää kestä
sait mut jo itkee voi jumalauta
ja muutenki niin monta muuta asiaa täs samal
Kiitos vaan.

.. Huoh.Perjantai 28.08.2009 23:10

Joskus mä en vaan ymmärrä
silloin saa mielellään selittää mulle.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 28.08.2009 22:41

rakkaat mummoni <3