
jooneeSunnuntai 12.02.2006 08:02

soas > imperial.

wtfPerjantai 10.02.2006 03:45

the TFL took my oyster away ;____;


jag träffade bobby gillespie!!!


jag såg nick cave. och såg will self i publiken. och BOBBY GILLESPIE.

jag dog dog dog.


hmm.Tiistai 31.01.2006 18:18

lyrics posts are naff, i know, but.

you must be from some other part of this world
you don't seem to understand the effect that you have
you are capable of having purely platonic relationships
I'm not sure I am
you have no side to you at all
no motives other than you're still new here and you like me
and just because you're beautiful does that mean that I should ignore you
well I'm not sure I can, no I'm not sure I can

shouldn't write me notes
or laugh at all my jokes
shouldn't ring me up
but you mustn't go away
oh you really cannot stay

you might be from some distant star
where people like you don't realise how wonderful they are
but here, men are thieves, we're all hiding inside
looking out so you don't see what's in our hearts
and you don't see what's in mine

shouldn't write me notes
or laugh at all my jokes
shouldn't ring me up
but you mustn't go away
oh you really cannot stay

please don't talk to me
but don't ignore me
shouldn't be so perfect
I don't want to go away
though I really cannot stay
you might be from some distant star

igår hånglade jag med en vacker pojke som heter jack. i win at life.

kröhömMaanantai 30.01.2006 15:20

joonee. enter enter.

malcolm malcolm. gaah. runkua. maanantaiskeidaa. äiti lähetti ruisleipää postissa. diips.

ARGH. joonee. nyt menen takaisin kouluun. shinitaidesuyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


ok, okKeskiviikko 18.01.2006 04:27

det börjar säkert bli förbannat tråkigt, men det hjälps inte. speciellt inte efter några öl. men. malcolm middleton skriver världens vackraste sånger. till exempel the loneliest night of my life come calling. vänta bara, snart skriver jag min essä på cirka 3000 ord om hur fantastisk han är. kun ei oikein voi mitään.

ei siis ollenkaan.

bands as of now, sort of, 2006Keskiviikko 18.01.2006 04:04

yess yes yes aerghh

the left outsides
the nightingales
blood red shoes
keith john adams

omggg .g..g

niin.Sunnuntai 15.01.2006 07:36

pale saints.

YAYETiistai 10.01.2006 02:14



I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHINGMaanantai 09.01.2006 06:24



i'm only happy when i'm sad, my good times are all bad.

skeidaa päin naamaa.