


siel on väisäsen riitta, päällä pätmänin viitta

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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 25.01.2008 19:56

rairaiTiistai 01.01.2008 06:54

vitun köyhät missä ne jatkot on

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 17.12.2007 17:58

muistakaahan lapset tänään katsoa maikkarin maanantai-leffa. Yks elokuvahistorian kurkoimmista tuotoksista.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 04.12.2007 18:38

[16:32] <Fordisti> mikä erottaa diplomi-insinöörin ja ökybemaristin?
[16:33] <Fordisti> stora enso

[16:34] <Rocla> mitä saa jos kloonaa merirosvon?
[16:34] <Rocla> piraattikopion


[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 17.11.2007 17:40

What an interesting day I hadPerjantai 16.11.2007 00:56

Today I woke up first time aprox. 9am. I thought I should sleep for a while 'cause there's a hard day coming up. Second time I woke was about 11:30am and I stood up and fed the cat. Coffee was great which I made after feeding the angry and frighting animal. I took a pint and filled it with that black aromatically smelling liquid and pourred a little bit of milk just to cool it. I sat on my chair next to my computer and sitted for like hour reading some stupid shit people had showelled to my mail again. 12:45 I jumped in my car and drove to work with my workmates. The beginning of the day was so great so I thougt that the rest of the day would be also. WRONG.

The first job was kind of cool, I had quite fun actually with it, but the second one with glue was awful. I messed up myself and some of the floor with it 'cause some ASSHOLE hadn't closed the fucking top of the fucking bucket which holds aprox. 20l glue. So there I was standing on the clue and yelling some typical cursewords LOUDLY offcourse. Someone had to clean that shit up so I started to do that and it wasn't cool at all. 'Cause of that misshap I had to keep such a hurry on whole rest of the day. I'm so wasted right now. Happily there's some good shit coming from tv soon so I can just kick the socks off and sit and relax. Hopely nothing messes up that for me.

pintandwefall - That X-BoxTorstai 08.11.2007 23:59

Cluedo ain't my game YEH
'cos it's scary
and I don't like puzzles
'cos the're too heavy

Twister is allright YEH
but it can get too
boring if you have to
play it alone

I don't know how to draw YEH
so pictionary
ain't my cup of tee NO
and neither is scrabble

Monopoly is too hard YEH
I never win there
and chess I've got clue of
how to play it

I have an X-Box,
You've got Nintendo,
But that's a bit different, YEH

Backgammon I can't spell YEH
so I won't play it
and oak it is too dull it's got
only two colours

I dislike playing cards YEH
because the hearts always
slip away from my hands
it's so depressing

Roulette is too tough YEH
and alias I like but
no-one ever get's my

Sex is one I like YEH
but I don't think it
qualifies as a game so
all I know is

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 25.10.2007 22:49

Tapasit minut ensimmäisen kerran, mikä oli ensivaikutelmasi minusta? Onko käsitys muuttunut sen jälkeen? Kerro se tähän ja lisää tämä sen jälkeen omaan päiväkirjaasi että näet mitä muut ensin ajattelivat sinusta ennen kuin tutustuivat sinuun paremmin.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 03.10.2007 01:24

Just kotiuduttiin vauvan kans <3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 18.08.2007 17:59

kertokaa mulle miten voi VAHINGOSSA liimata pikaliimalla itelleen sukka jalkaan. Ai saatana että kävi kipiää ottaa se pois.