

- Vanhemmat »

As the day is turningKeskiviikko 16.11.2005 02:47

Just in time to make an entry for Tuesday. At the first minutes of Wednesday. But who says when the day changes? The clock? Yes, clocks are indeed the final and ultimate authority in the realm of Time. Unconditional referees in any temporal issue. Clocks are like women - you can't live without keeping up with em and you imagine you have a reason for it.

Anyway, looks like the yesterday's entry got all fucked up very nicely. Thank you, irc-galleria, for relentless efforts in challenging one's patience in the aid of quest for enlightenment by overcoming obstacles on the path to the final resolve of heart and mind!

I convince myself I'm writing this to myself, but that doesn't seem to be the case because 1. I'm writing in English; 2. I don't write about myself and my life. The paradoxal side of this statement is that irc-gallery is a freakin Finnish community and logging that lies in the base of bLOGGING as a concept is defined as keeping "A record, as of the performance of a machine or the progress of an undertaking." in The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. The counter-argument (which in fact seems to be the origin of the character of this content) is that I expect this stuff to be read by my non-Finnish speaking peers and the task of presenting my "undertakings" in an entertaining light is beyond my power!

Actually I was about to start depicting events of this great day of the Lord, when I realized that middle of the night is not the time for it. Yes, oh mighty clock, I'm submitting.

never done this crap b4Maanantai 14.11.2005 23:14

As said in the topic I've never done this kind of shit before, but it's somehow tempting to splatter my mind into the digital chaos of IRC-GALLERIA!

This will be the log of my happy misfortunes if I ever find time to waste on such a creative hobby. Anyway why the fuck am I writing in English? Probably because the US has won the cold war. Or has it? Наверное выиграли, но не до конца. Кто-то просочился, не сдался пресловутым капиталистам. Может кроме меня еще кто-то есть? Или я последний культурный террорист подрывающий New World Order всей этой околесицей? Вот бы было круто!

I will definitely get back to that thought later.
- Vanhemmat »