


"Dream so dark i feel so beautiful"

facebook ihmeit...Torstai 22.10.2009 21:03

Elina has found her best friends using FriendBot
FriendBot predicted these people are the REAL best friends of Elina:

#1 Taru Herranen - Best friend
#2 Lotta Koski - The funny one
#3 Mikko Ã…hlvik - Drinking buddy
#4 Ira Ovaska - The trouble maker
#5 Ida Oinonen - The partier


Taru has found her best friends using FriendBot
FriendBot predicted these people are the REAL best friends of Taru:

#1 you - Best friend
#2 Petra Piiroinen - The funny one
#3 Venla Kling - Drinking buddy
#4 Emma Tuhkanen - The trouble maker
#5 Pauliina Pöyry - The partier

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