


lost my better half

kakkumiesLauantai 22.10.2011 23:10

liian hyvääPerjantai 21.10.2011 07:20

this is my end, this sight was like a nightmare
I had the pictures in my head drawn by faith and trust, shaped by my conviction is this my blame
can it be so simple
I never realized it
I see my visions melting down
can not keep it in my hands
this is like a fuckin' dream
the drips of my future pulling me down
encircled by reality, I'm diving in my past
this sight was a nightmare
this sight tattered my heart into rags
open windows howling at me
I see my fears become reality
my lungs are filled by pain and sorrow
by tears and broken fuckin' aims
I hope one day we will see us again
some day
is this the end
and I ask myself
would you look at me
would you remember my face
just look me in the eyes, one last time
everthing faded to an ugly grey
I never expected an end like this

mullon tällänen oloKeskiviikko 12.10.2011 20:38

hymyilin ku miro vei mun sukan
moi oon Roomas

JOOSE ON PARASPerjantai 07.10.2011 20:40


darraPerjantai 07.10.2011 19:48

*käsiviuhutuksia* "HUHHU"

oon homo

mä toivon tätä sulleTorstai 06.10.2011 04:16

tää nostalgia

HUHHUH!Torstai 06.10.2011 03:00

siitä kuunteluun, huhhuhuhuhhu

laitoin sit tubeenkiKeskiviikko 05.10.2011 17:17

semi oldie

sairasMaanantai 03.10.2011 04:27

liian sairasMaanantai 03.10.2011 03:41

Just try to imagine
A life without love
But death has its hold on us.
So think upon beauty
Its like painting a picture
When everything's shaded in grey
And even when we've been face to face
We have never seen eye to eye
So take a good look in mine
It's a window to a soul that knows not why.
You can't continue this direction
It's detours and dead ends.
Don't join this kind of company
Unless your joining to fight.
Fight for your life.
Losing the fight is getting knocked down and staying there.
So why do I turn away it's getting me nowhere.
Nowhere in the long run
The world can't make you faithless when faith is first.
Where is your faith