


lost my better half

liia myllyKeskiviikko 26.10.2011 13:45

kakkumiesLauantai 22.10.2011 23:10

liian hyvääPerjantai 21.10.2011 07:20

this is my end, this sight was like a nightmare
I had the pictures in my head drawn by faith and trust, shaped by my conviction is this my blame
can it be so simple
I never realized it
I see my visions melting down
can not keep it in my hands
this is like a fuckin' dream
the drips of my future pulling me down
encircled by reality, I'm diving in my past
this sight was a nightmare
this sight tattered my heart into rags
open windows howling at me
I see my fears become reality
my lungs are filled by pain and sorrow
by tears and broken fuckin' aims
I hope one day we will see us again
some day
is this the end
and I ask myself
would you look at me
would you remember my face
just look me in the eyes, one last time
everthing faded to an ugly grey
I never expected an end like this

mullon tällänen oloKeskiviikko 12.10.2011 20:38

hymyilin ku miro vei mun sukan
moi oon Roomas

JOOSE ON PARASPerjantai 07.10.2011 20:40


darraPerjantai 07.10.2011 19:48

*käsiviuhutuksia* "HUHHU"

oon homo

mä toivon tätä sulleTorstai 06.10.2011 04:16

tää nostalgia

HUHHUH!Torstai 06.10.2011 03:00

siitä kuunteluun, huhhuhuhuhhu

laitoin sit tubeenkiKeskiviikko 05.10.2011 17:17

semi oldie

sairasMaanantai 03.10.2011 04:27