


VIRTUAL FAKEMAN in Wonder Underground aka キャプテン★0010

iKNOWTiistai 15.01.2008 16:38

Oli ihana jutella sun kans taas!! Tuu pian takas ja kun nähään niin uusitaan kesän Ankkarock päivät, ne?

SuG life.Tiistai 15.01.2008 07:00

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 14.01.2008 08:14

I hope tomorrow will be happy ;__; <3

WFPMaanantai 14.01.2008 00:08

We Feed People...?

頑張って!!Sunnuntai 13.01.2008 23:20

Vittu auttaa varmaan olla niin cool jos et sitte kohta enää soita OLLENKAAN??!!
Ehkä se että sun selkä on ollu paskana kesästä eikä enää painkilleritkään auta siihen on merkki jostain??

Te ja teiän ylpeys saatana....

PS: Parane pian <3

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 13.01.2008 07:38

<3Sunnuntai 13.01.2008 03:21

Where did the burning tears, the outcry of love,
the sparkling days vanish off to?
If we keep wandering down this aimless path
we'll never go back to the way things used to be

If you listen carefully, what would
my heart tell me?
Every time I imagine the sky as it was then
In the depths of this filthy town

The gifts of god... loneliness and troubles
Just cry when you feel like it
Is this destiny?
Should we give up?
The seasons are like a magical cycle

Oh, baby... No maybe.
Losing "love" and without "emotion"
Pretending to lament
and just blaming it all on the world

Oh, baby... You're maybe.
Losing "love" and without "comfort"
The feeling of happiness
Wrap me in your arms one more time

The memories remain vividly
in order to love your past self
Your unknown future, looking from the deep past
is for the sole fulfillment of your dream

Who opens the door to miracles?
Smile, just one more time
Will you notice?
That key
is already in the palm of your hand

Why, baby? Oh, tell me.
Losing "love" and without "emotion"
Pretending not to give it a chance
Is it to protect yourself?

Oh, baby. You're maybe.
The battle's almost won!!
Feeling like defeat
Overcome... One more chance.

I talk to myself...
Oh, baby. No, maybe.
Losing "love" and without "emotion"?
Pretending to lament
The only thing left is regret

Oh, baby. Smile baby.
That life of yours isn't for eternity
Everyone whispers softly to themselves
deep inside their hearts

"Will the sun come out tomorrow...?"

Underneath the distant sky


Keep the FaithLauantai 12.01.2008 04:28

What's in your heart can't be altered, na?

WTF?!Perjantai 11.01.2008 23:11

............millon vitussa tällanen on päässy käymään??!!