


kyl salee :)
  • Kuvassa:
  • aine

    <I can't live without you
    and I love everything about you.♥

  • < So if you just hold my hand
    I promise that I'll do all I can.
    The only thing I want is for you to be happy.
    Always and forever you and me ♥

  • julijja

    julijja< I love you and always will.
    I need your love don't ever
    take it away♥

  • aine

    aine< I`ll always love you and i`m
    always gonna be there for you♥

  • `Larissa

    `Larissaolet paras♥

  • <You're simply the best
    and my only one<!3

  • aine

    aine<No matter what happens,
    I can't let you go♥

  • alzu
    <Nothing can come in between
    us if you just hold my hand♥

  • < Without you, I'd be lost ♥

22.04.2009 20:19 <aine> nii i , ihmiset muuttuu ja kavereit tulee ja menee mut SIVUMAKU SÄILYY AINA <3
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