


whoever said you were a ten
must have been counting out of a hundred then

Älä näytä modausta
  • Kuvassa:
  • janina is lovely
    and i'd want to
    see u more
    u r important ♥

  • cool noomi
    i want to spend more
    time with u, u r so
    hot and funny ♥

  • feefish

    feefishwonderful fanny
    we should see
    more often 'cause
    i'd want to ♥

  • laura is a hottie
    she is someone
    i trust very much
    i miss u ♥

  • hanna is such a cutie
    i'd want to be more
    w/ u, 'cause i like
    being w/ u ♥

  • Jence

    Jencesweet jenny
    is like a star
    i want to
    know you better ♥

  • amazing karoliina
    is pretty and perfect
    i'm so happy
    that u r my friend ♥

  • katri is VIP
    she is someone
    i don't want to lose
    see u soon hun ♥

  • janina is beautiful
    it's sad we see so
    seldom but when we see
    we have so much fun, miss u ♥

  • -lar

    -larhot laura
    it's nice to know
    someone like u
    it's nice to talk w/ u ♥

  • -puke

    -pukekukka always supports me
    i want to be w/ u forever
    through painful times and healthy times
    stormy days and sunny days let’s walk on together ♥

  • XYuiX

    XYuiXheikki lovely boy
    he's sensitive and sweet
    when can we see ?
    i miss u ♥

  • Leafydragon

    Leafydragoncute reetta
    is so nice person
    i'm happy to
    be ur friend ♥

  • the days days began suddenly to shine
    ever since the day u appeared
    stay with me, stay with me
    my baby, say you love me ♥

  • `Maya`

    `Maya`dear mallu
    i love to talk
    with her she is
    so sweet ♥

  • 944-169_

    944-169_laura is so
    important to me
    i miss u
    i like to be w/ u ♥

  • iida is the hottie
    she is wonderful
    and she shines
    like the sun ♥

  • daybreak

    daybreakannika is beautiful
    and so warm person
    i'd want to be
    someone like her ♥

  • silva is elegant
    i don't know
    what i'd do w/o u
    u r so important ♥

leenamoi ♥ paperiliima ♥ minim ♥ DOWNWAY ♥ habibi ♥

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