i is like a psyke monetos like i close mi eyes its liek my brainz is liek wobbling liek x+s*in(abs(x)+y*sin(y) i is like very weird i is like i vessa bottom floor i is like wow i lis lies wow whatrunk is liek wow i dont liek wow but liituri liek what ur drunk liek if ur shut down liek but i w as liek i was not shut down insted i liek writ hier like wow i was liek wow :)
but vz i now u write hier 1st and cos ur so fast so i wil say u that resampler i resid working tomorow and mi real brithday when cousins and GODFATHAH come hir so it wil soudn liek dram xand sex puer sex so u can enjoy it to with ur abelton liev =) get it now dump that rieson cos it pys shiet ;)
but im hier drinking stolish vodka its from russa and power king made from bones of os dreld king s =) it reals sex :;) and that one cuet girls or two posibel =) lei k i dunno my piss is liek fun i must go now lol see u in next lief or liff liek they say in monty pyethon =o ) so liek lets get it go tj4 its so "VÄEB" =)