


Broken glass. It's like glitter, isn't it?

boredMaanantai 26.07.2010 04:24

I hate my name.
I like my name.
I have a best friend.
My best friend is younger than me.
My best friend is older than me.
I have no friends.
I have too many friends.
I always answer my phone.
I never answer my phone.
I answer my phone most of the time.
I play along with prank callers.
I hate when people donÂ’t reply to my text message/take forever to reply.
I have/had blonde hair.
I have/had brown hair.
I have/had red hair.
I have dyed my hair more than five times.
I have never dyed my hair.
I hate when people canÂ’t spell words right.
I get made fun of for things that arenÂ’t even true.
I get made fun of for how I dress.
I get made fun of for something natural that I canÂ’t change.
My iPod/mp3 has over 1000 songs on it.
My iPod/mp3 has less than 500 songs on it.
I rarely drink soda.
I never drink soda.
I love soda.
I love iced tea.
I love ice cream, even in the winter.
I love scarves.
I love skinny jeans.
I donÂ’t own any skinny jeans.
I have blue eyes.
I have brown eyes.
I have green eyes.
I have hazel eyes.
I have grey eyes.
My eyes change color.
I think a lot of people are hot but I rarely crush on someone.
IÂ’ve been in a relationship for over a year.
I love the smell of petrol.
I love the smell of freshly mowed grass.
IÂ’m an alcoholic.
IÂ’ve drank beer.
I love beer.
I donÂ’t like beer.
I have white walls.
I have posters up on my walls.
I love to draw and doodle.

IÂ’m failing at least one class.
I have a lot of self confidence.
I could use some more self confidence.
IÂ’m over 21.
I love music.
I love the Beatles.
I love local bands and musicians.

I hate music.
I prefer things that are on the radio or TV.
I prefer things that not many people have heard of.
I talk a lot.
IÂ’m very quiet.

I live in England.
I live in the USA.
IÂ’ve finished high school.
IÂ’m still in high school.
I have more than one favorite color.
I enjoy dragons.
I have/had a collection.
I like to read.
I like horror movies.
I like romance movies.
I like comedies.

I like extremely old movies.
I have a lot of patience.
I could use some more patience.
IÂ’m a pathological liar.
The colors in my room all match.
IÂ’ve won an award of some sort.
IÂ’ve played baseball/softball on a team.
IÂ’ve played basketball on a team.
IÂ’ve played football on a team.
I have a British accent.
IÂ’ve been to New York City.
I have a Blackberry.
I have a Nokia.
I have a Samsung.
I love nature.
I love photography.

I just donÂ’t get photography.
I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
I have a fear of spiders.
IÂ’m afraid of ghosts.
I love ghosts.
IÂ’m intelligent about technology and how it works.
I text very fast.
I hate watching people take five minutes to send a short text.
I text slowly.
The solar system interests me.
I want to go to space.
I have short hair.
I have shoulder length hair.
I have hair past my shoulders.
I have hair past my boobs.
I have a side of my hair shaved.
I want to get a haircut.
I canÂ’t stand the Twilight series.
I hate someone I used to be good friends with.
I donÂ’t curse.
IÂ’ve memorized lyrics to over 1000 songs.
I hate winter.
I hate summer.
I think too much.
I think too little.
I wish I was older.
I wish I was younger.
I like my age.
IÂ’ve seen more than five bands live.
IÂ’ve seen less than five bands live.
IÂ’ve never been to a concert.
The band I want to see live isnÂ’t touring.
IÂ’ve met someone famous.
IÂ’ve seen someone famous at the mall/on a walk/etc.
IÂ’ve never met anyone famous.
My phone is black.
My phone is red.
My phone is silver.
IÂ’ve painted/put stickers on my phone.
I have nice handwriting.
I have illegible handwriting.
I have freckles.
I hate myself most of the time.
I hate myself all of the time.
I like poetry.
I canÂ’t stand poetry.
I like to write.
I hate writing.
I think school should be shorter.
I think school should be longer.
IÂ’ve cried myself to sleep.
I cry easily.

I go to the movies almost every week or every week.
I rarely go to the movies because IÂ’m picky about what I want to see.
I rarely go to the movies because no one ever wants to go with me.
I always feel alone in a crowded room.
I love being the center of attention.
I laugh when people fall.
It takes me a while to understand jokes.
I laugh at my own jokes.

I sleep with over five pillows.
I own something that IÂ’ve had my whole life and means a lot to me.
I play piano.
I play guitar.
I play trumpet.
I play drums.
I play bass.
I play clarinet.
I play flute.
I donÂ’t play an instrument.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 17.07.2010 06:48

Day 19Torstai 15.07.2010 16:37

Something that made you smile.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 14.07.2010 15:21

Three names you go by:
1. maria
2. marri
3. marsha

Three physical things you like about yourself:
1. eyes
2. lips
3. the moles on my face :

Three physical things you donÂ’t like about yourself:
1. weight
2. nails
3. eyebrows

Three parts if your heritage:
1. french
2. russian
3. swedish

Three things that scare you:
1. lost someone I care about
2. darkness
3. heights

Three of your everyday essentials:
1. music
2. music
3. music

Three things your wearing now:
1. flower shirt
2. leggins
3. hey, I just woke up

Three of your favorite bands or musical artists:
1. The Libertines
2. The Beatles
3. The Kills

Three of your favorite songs (right now):
1. The Libertines - The Boy Looked At Johny
2. Oasis - Songbird
3. The Beatles - 'Til There Was You

Three physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to you:
1. (dark) hair
2. eyes
3. stubble

Three careers youÂ’re considering/ youÂ’ve considered:
1. umm
2. drunken bohemic artist who lives for love
3. umm

Three places you want to go on vacation:
1. England
2. U.S.A
3. Japan

Three ways tjat you are stereotypically girl (your sex):
1. think 'bout me hair too much
2. love shoes
3. couldn't live without skirts

Day 18Keskiviikko 14.07.2010 14:14

Current song you are listening.

lemppari lilyltä.

"It seems, It seems
That I can't shake those memories
I wonder if you have the same dreams too.

The littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That the things are reminding me of you."
Day 15- Current grades.
mulla ei oo mitään hajua missä mun todistus on, joten skippaan tän.

Day 16- Future tattoo's.
nää mä haluan, rahoitus on si eri juttu.

"If you've lost your faith in love and music, the end won't be long."
• en kyllä taida ottaa tohon kohtaan
jos mulle ei satu mitää ihme laihtumista ennen ku täytän 18.
(The Libertines - The Good Old Days)

• The Beatlesin kuva jompaan kumpaan lapaan. Mä en varmaan ikinä saa päätettyä sitä...
• Nana jompaan kumpaan jalkaan.
• teksti: "Je t'aime maman", en oo vielä keksiny mitää paikkaa. Ehkä niskan alapuolelle, who knows.
• tiiän et kaikilla on ruusuja nykyään, mut haluan.

ps. oon aina halunnu sen taru sormusten herrasta sen sormuksen kirjotuksen mun ranteen ympärille XD...

mä voisin tehä tähän putkeen ton seuraavanki päivän ku nyt ollaan jo sen päivän puolella ...... :

Day 17 - A childhood picture.

söpöys jäi sitte siihe. faijan leikkaamat, söpöt ettarit ♥

Day 14Maanantai 12.07.2010 03:01

Favourite purchase ever made.

apua :
D paras hankinta ikinä öö............
lyö ihan tyhjää. Mä en oo ite hankkinu mitään mun tärkeimmistä tavaroista... (esim. iPod, suoristusrauta..mankka,tietokone..)
mut tällä hetkellä varmaan toi Babyshambles paita XD:D:D: emt. buuhuu oon köyhä eikä mulla oo rahaa ikinä mihinkää kivaan.


oon kyllästynySunnuntai 11.07.2010 02:05

Day 13 - Favourite memory.Lauantai 10.07.2010 18:45

yks niistä on pulun vaskiluodon keikka.
Viimenen mun ja justuksen pulun keikka.
Mun mielestä paras pulun keikka! Oli nii siistii ku siellä oli kaikki, minä, justus, mikko, essi ja mira kattomassa, harmi ku nico ei ollu :( mä ja justus puhutaan tästä keikasta vieläki ♥

kuvaus vähä vammaa ku olin nii innoissani ku pojat soitti tehosekoitinta :

Day 12Perjantai 09.07.2010 17:30

Where your family is from.

mä en nyt oo ihan varma et tajuunko tätä kysymystä, mut öö.
No tällä hetkellähän me ollaan täällä ihanassa Vaasassa (huom. suomen aurinkoisin kaupunki mut kuulemma samalla täällä sataa eniten...) äiti on syntyny lieksassa ja faija multialla. Sitte jotenki ne tapas, faija otti eron entisestä vaimosta, meni naimisiin ja äiti muutti helsinkii ja mä ja heikki synnyttii ja si 5 vuoden päästä me muutettii vaasaa jee=)