


harharhar hyvästi galleria! <3

lukio on kaveriKeskiviikko 12.08.2009 21:52

kivalta tähän mennessä vaikuttaa =)
1 päivä kouluun hui
kärsii vain tönköstä nimestä. mut sitähän se on

yaya yaya be braveSunnuntai 26.07.2009 17:17

hei!Torstai 23.07.2009 03:10

mie olen hyvällä tuulella.

rakastan kaikkea.

tykkään kaikesta.

hyväksyn kaiken.

on ihanaa ikävöidä!

ja päätimpä sen täälläkin julistaa.

menen nyt nukkumaan. älkää pitäkö mua höpönä :)

HEI HEI OLETTE RAKKAITA Torstai 09.07.2009 02:53

joten enhän mie tietenkään voinut painaa sitä "okay" nappulaa siinä.

10.7.09-20.7.09 Keskiviikko 08.07.2009 16:36


" Dear Friends ,
everything is ready for the Summer Camp 2009 in Western Sicily with the Rotary Club of Castelvetrano “Valle del Belice” District 2110.
We will provide to bring everyone of you at PalermoÂ’s airport at your arrival and transfer to his /her host family.
The summer in Sicily is really warm ,so bring with you light clothes, but also a jacket or cotton pullover for the evening; the temperature is about 28-33°C during the day: sometimes it goes up to 40°!!Of course bring with you everything you need for the beach:shoes, towels , sun protection creams (specially for who is coming from North), sun glasses etc.
You must keep also shoes for walking easily in Archaeological sites (open shoes and/or gym ones), and a bag to bring with you daily to carry what you need.
Don’t forget we have a Special dinner during your stay: the Official visit of our District Governor, so you need adequate dresses (something “formal”) for that event, nothing really special, but….you know!!
Each of you will stay with a rotarian family and weÂ’ll move all together during the visits we included in the program of the camp. YouÂ’ll spend also lots of time with our young friends of Interact and Rotaract club .
The program includes many visits to archaeological sites ,main towns of western Sicily ,and also, of course, free time for having fun at the beach together with us and our young friends. WeÂ’ll also organize parties at our club membersÂ’ home: it could be nice if you would prepare something to eat typical of your Country with us: think about it!
WeÂ’ll provide also to bring back everyone of you at the airport at the end of the camp for your flight back to home. For who didnÂ’t yet communicate the date, flight number and time arrival, please do it NOW!! So weÂ’ll be able to organize for bringing you at PalermoÂ’s Airport. In my next e-mail IÂ’ll write you your host family name, address telephone number etc.
For more informations or any questions ,ask me please.
See you soon in Sicily, Adriano. "

Vihdoin tuli postia leiristä. :> Oon pakannut tänään hulluna ja stressannu mun yksinäisestä matkasta Euroopan läpi. Roi-Hki-Rooma-Palermo, hui!