14.45 Hatesphere
15.30 Moonsorrow, Scent of Flesh
16.30 Dragonforce
17.30 Maj Karma, Imperia
18.30 Immortal
19.30 Katatonia, Turisas
20.45 Bodom
13.45 Misery Index
14.30 Before the Dawn, Profane Omen
15.15 Pain
16.15 Thunderstone, Insomnium
17.00 W.A.S.P.
18.00 Brother Firetribe, Legion of the damned
18.45 Isis
20.00 45DW, Nicole
20.45 Emperor
14.45 Mercenary, Sturm und Drang
15.30 Blind Guardian
16.45 Finntroll, Naildown
17.30 Moonspell
18.45 Despairs Ray, Vader
19.45 Stratovarius