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Hakua tehdessä tapahtui odottamaton virhe. Yritä hetken kuluttua uudestaan!
Hakusi ei tuottanut tuloksia. Ole hyvä ja yritä toisilla hakusanoilla!
Today i'm gonna release my newest set at http://soundcloud.com/mikozic and i wonder how u like it ;) hopefully u all like it very much. =) the tracklist will be finished as soon as i write it :D . the mix called Ain't no party like this is a half an hour mix but i mixed about two hours so its just best part of it 'cos of soundclouds time limit and i think u dont wanna listen hours and hours in a row just one set :DD the released mix includes 12 tracks, electro music. some track are remixes from others so dont expect i done it all myself nonono i just mixed tracks together and added some effects =) so head on the dance floor and bounce like a crazy ;DDD enjoy. comment and like it ;)